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*it's been almost two hours, jimin is  driving continuously in high speed but now his car is out fuel it can stop anywhere which made them tense.*

Jimin *while driving*- Tae the car's fuel is running out and there's no fueling station in between as it's forest area so we have to go and hide in forest. 

Tae- Okay turn your car towards the deep forest and we will see it onwards but jimin after doing that you will have to left from there and have to bring fuel or get a way or help for us and most importantly I just want yn to be safe so I will distract them and you will slip off from this area to get some help and fuel.  *He said and jimin nodded agreeing with him*

Jimin- Okay I will do as you say.

Yn- What will I do then? *She ask them as they didn't mention any work for her*

Tae- You will just have to protect yourself and hide until we get out of jungkook's area and then everything will be fine.

Yn- No I am not going to hide like a loser while you both are fighting for saving me.

Jimin- Yn....*just then a gun shot was able to be heard*

Jimin- Tae make her understand.

Tae- Yn...*her hands in his big ones and start caressing  them with his fingers and speak in a really soft tone to her*

Tae- Yn baby you are pregnant and our baby's life is most important with you so you have to keep yourself safe from everything.

Yn-But.*cutted off by taehyung*

Tae- No buts just do as I say.
*She nodded her head*

Author's pov - a lot of cars were now following them even in dark forest but after sometime jimin made the car to pass from the most dangerous way where only wild animals can be found. It was kind of disturbing for JK is men and it was hard to follow them from that way as the animals were disturbed by the voice of cars and was running here to there.

-Time skip to evening-

*Three of them are now staying in a village as the car was out of fuel and it was kind of hard to find any petrol pump. They was staying in a house which was having four rooms and it was of jimin's friend actually friend with benefit. Her name is Khu.

Introduction of khu.......

Full name - Lee khu

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Full name - Lee khu

Family - Her father is a physco killer and mother is dead. She has a daughter whom she left for adoption when she was born.

Personality - Cool and sweet yet dangerous.

$€×uality- Bi$exual.

Friend- Jimin and lisa.

Relationship status - Doesn't care for that now as her boyfriend cheated on her when she was 22 years old and after that she is leaving all alone. She is into favours and fun only.

Age- 39 years old.

Profession/ Work - An assassin plus she works as an seducer too.

Back to story........

Khu- Everyone come downstairs and have your dinner.

Tae- coming. *He shout from the room*

*All of them when down stairs and set on the dining table. Khu start serving them and after serving she said beside jimin's seat.*

Yn- Wow it is so good unnie.
*She said after taking a bite of the food*

Khu- really, is it? Thank you so much for that compliment and thank you so much for calling me unnie. Your voice is so sweet just like you.
*Yn smile at her words*

Yn- you don't mind calling me you unnie?*she ask while digging in her food like a hungry girl*

*Khu laugh at her cute and innocent behaviour and then shoke her head in no while saying*

Khu- no I don't mind you calling me unnie in-fact I just love it.
*She said with a cute smile on her face while jimin slightly clear his throat gaining everyone's attention and speak to khu in a playful and joking voice*

Jimin- Don't try to hit on her, okay? She is already taken by that guy who is sitting beside her. *He told khu while pointing his finger towards taehyung who smiled at his words while khu hit him on his head and then said*

Khu- why would I even hit on a little girl like her. If I would have been married till now na then I would have my own kids of her age.
*She said in a fake tone of annoyance while yn look at her with amazed gaze and start questioning her*

Yn- Unnie what is your age?
*She asked sweetly with the smile on her face*

Khu- Umm I don't usually tell my real age to someone but as you are like my younger sister so I will tell you. I am going to hit 40 in 5 months.
*She told her which shocked all of them even jimin. He look at her while raising his eyebrows. And then questioned her*

Jimin- You are almost the age of my mother b!tch and you are telling this to me now. Wow what the real hell I was thinking when you told me that you are just 32 while you are going to hit 40 in 5 months. You liar, I will k!ll you today by my bare hands. This make up seriously has some black powers that an old b!tch like you looks as a girl who is in her late twenties. *He said while she ran off her chair and hide behind yn and taehyung and start talking to him and he also ran towards her but she start running round and round around the dinning table*

Khu- Even if I am going to be 40 still you can't catch me my dear shortie.
*She wink while running here to there*

Jimin- I would Leave you alive today. Wait for me then I will tell you that who is short and who is tall.
*The fact is that khu is even shorter than jimin still she loves to tease him by calling him shortie which he hates alot and right now they are fighting like dog and cat while yn and taehyung are laughing looking at them*


Just wait for this week and then I will update  this book really fastly. Right now my exams are on going and even today was my exam and tomorrow I have my English exam that's why I thought to update because it doesn't take much time to study English. I will be updating properly from June and after that I will Wattpad. Enjoy this and there are not be much parts left in this ff so don't worry.

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