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This update is as a birthday gift to

Happiest birthday to you............
It's gonna be a 1k+ word update so enjoy.a user

*Tae was rushing to hospital and in the way he called someone*


Tae- Don't dare to touch her or start the treatment till I get there.

*He said in a warning tone and hang up the call before even listing to the answer of the other person on call*

Tae-Fuvk..... Why is she being like this? She should atleast inform me about this all but..... Oh god fuck.

*He hit the staring wheel after reaching the hospital before going in*

*On the other hand*

Yn- God when is the doctor going to be here? It's already getting late.

*She was deadly nervous and then her tears Strom down from her eyes while she put her hand on her stomach caressing it softly.*

Yn-Baby I am sorry but your mumma can't take risk on your appa's life. You know na that your mumma loves you so much but she can't let that devil hurt your appa beacuse of a silly mistake which is even done by your mumma. She doesn't wanna your appa to suffer. She is coward. She can't fight for you baby. She is so afraid to lose your appa. She is selfish.

*She said while caressing her belly softly. Her eyes were filled with tears and heart was heavy. She is carrying the sign of there love but she is afraid of how tae will react and will he accept her? Will he even believe her after knowing that she is pregnant with his baby? Will he take her away from jk? And even if he accept her yet jk is the biggest problem. She is a slave of jk. She is afraid that jk might her tae or her family. She is becoming selfish but sometimes being like that is fine, right??? She was just questioning herself when the door open revealing her biggest nightmare.


Jennie-Hii bitvh.......*Smrik*

Yn-What are you doing here Jennie?

*She asked as Jennie was in patient uniform and had a plaster over her hand while she just pass her a dark smrik and take out something from her dress. It was a gun. She aimed her on yn's forehead and smile creepily*

Jennie-You should not believe everyone yn. You are too good for this world and that's why I am here to send you to your house.... Heaven. Have a great journey to there with taehyung's baby. Oh god I am feeling bad for him. He doesn't even know what he has done. Anyways you are going to kill this baby so let me do it for you along with a sweet favour by killing you.

*She said sarcastically and pull the trigger to shoot yn but someone shoot her from behind in the centre of her head making her to die on spot*

*After a few seconds*

*Tae enter the room in some seconds only to find yn laying on floor laying in the blood poll of her own blood which was flowing from her hand. He went towards her and carry her in his arms and start shooting to call doctor*

Tae-Doctor come here fast. Save her.

*Tae said panicking and a team of doctors enter the room along being followed by some nurse.*


*he said shouting his lungs out*

Doctor -Si-r  we w-ill try our best. Pl-ease get out fr-om here. We need to treat the patient.

*He said being afraid from tae while he just point his gun on his head and said more like shouting*

Tae-If something happen to her or her baby then you will be laying dead on the spot.

*He said and walk out being all panick and worried. Tae call someone to know that who did it and to check the cctv footage.*

( Yn was shooten on her hand which wasn't that dangerous but yet she was under some treatment and because of being pregnant at teenage makes it wrost. She didn't lost that much blood.  After getting the bullet out of your body doctor walk out towards tae and told bow to before informing him that you are out of danger along with your baby)

Tae-Thank god that you are fine yn but I promise you that I will kill the person who did it to you.

-Time skip-

Author's pov

*It's been a whole day but yn is not in her consciousness. Tae is getting worried for her*

Tae-Baby just get well soon.

*He mummer to himself before planting a kiss on yn's forehead and after that he gently caresses her hairs and went to doctor*

Tae-How is she and how much time will it take her to be fine?

Doctor - S.. sir, ma'am is fine an..d you can take he..r with you tom..orrow m..orning.

*Doctor said being nervous and tae just nodded his head before leaving from there*

*That doctor text someone*

Doctor - Miss the work is
done.......I am sure that she
will not be able to get
healed easily.

?? -Great now don't forget to
shift that bitvh's dead body
Without getting noticed by
Tae or you will die by my
Hands befor tae do something
to you and your family will also
Suffer for it.

Doctor -Miss nothing will
be done wrongly by me
But why don't you give
Her a poison instead of
Playing along with these
Drugs? I mean it's easy way
To get her away from your
Way miss........

?? -There's no need for you to
Spend your small brain on this
Topic. I have my own reasons
And don't you dare to do anything
With her before I order you or
You know what the consequences
Will be... Right ??

Doctor - yes miss sorry.

?? -Good now keep eyes on her
And her baby should be effected
By this all or you will be dead.

Doctor - but miss that
drug can easily lead
her to abortion.

?? - Give her the antidote of
That drug. I need that baby.
It's most important for me.

Doctor - okay miss.

?? - Don't you dare to hurt
That baby at any cost. Just
Make her body go weak yet
She shouldn't get miscarriage.

Doctor - okay miss i got it.

See you all soon
Till then complete the vote limit or i am not going to update the story 😶
Sarangahe 💜

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