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*She smiled sweetly looking at the sea for the last time and then drove off to their mansion thinking that maybe jimin would be there. She reached the mansion and now it was almost 11pm in night.*

Yn- JIMIN OPPA. *she shouted just after entering the mansion but she didn't receive any response from other side but all the maids and some bodyguards who were on a round around the mansion came running towards her and bowed infront of her while literally shaking because she was looking like a beast which indeed she has become. She is a monster in the eyes of the world but in reality is it really true? She is k!lling others like they are some find of mosquitoes and that makes her a devil without her knowing.*

Maid - Queen, Sir is not back till now.*one of them answered her tumbling down inside but didn't shuttered in between because their queen hated when the girls used to show their weak side and it was her order to not behave like that while talking to her or they will end up dead.*

Yn- Hmm okay. You all can leave beside you, Jack. *She said and one of them stayed back as per her order. He is a handsome man around 27 years old.*

Yn- Where is he jack? * She asked him about jimin*

Jack- I don't know anything about boss Queen. He did not contact me after going out with you and
Mr. Jung.

Yn- Are you sure about it? * He nodded his head in yes so yn signal him to leave by her finger and he did as she said*

Yn- where could jimin opa be right now? * She asked herself but she thought that may be he would be with Jhope so she took out her mobile and start dialing his number. It rang for few seconds and then Jhope picked it up and answer her call with a worried voice, this tone made her worried a little but still she thought to continue*

Yn- hello oppa.*she said calmly*

Jhope- hii yn, listen to me. I want to tell you something.* He said in a little serious tone*

Yn- Sure oppa, go ahead.

Jhope- Jungook has abducted lily thinking that it is you. *He said with a sigh*

Yn- I will get her out by myself oppa but for now do you know where jimin oppa is right now?

Jhope- did not you go there to get him? * He asked being confused from yn's sudden question about jimin*

Yn- I did but he was not there.

Jhope- What do you mean by he was not there? Why would you take this much time in telling me that jimin is missing? What took you so long then?* He was instantly asking her question not giving her time to answer anything*

Yn- I met Jungkook's men there and it irritated me so much so I ended up killing them and that's why I was late and also I thought that he would have reached back. I am sorry oppa. *She said feeling guilty*

Jhope- just look forward for him and tell then I will try to get her out of Jungkook's mansion.

Yn- No oppa , I will get her myself because she is in danger because of looking like me and also I had been waiting for this day to come from last years. *She said thinking about her revenge*

Jhope- but yn it would be dangerous for you to do anything right now. * He said being worried about her*

Yn- no buts oppa, I am going to get away with this matter myself and I don't need anyone to be there for me while I take my revenge from that bastard. * She answered him not being satisfied with his advice*

Jhope- okay bye and but please bring at least 100 men with you while you go there. * He said feeling defeated in front of her*

Yn- I will see that myself but for now go and find jimin oppa at any cost. * She more like ordered him ignoring his words*

Jhope- I think jungkook has done something in this matter so I cannot look forward to his other hideouts and headquarters.
* His words made her blood to boil out in frustration and anger*

Yn- if he is beside this all then I am going to make sure that he doesn't get to see the sun rise tommorow. *She said with rage in her heart*

Yn- I am leaving now oppa. Just look forward to jimin until I get away with this bastard jungkook. I am leaving now by take care and don't worry about me also don't tell jimin oppa where i am until i come back. Also don't try to come up with some tricks to stop me from this fight, got it?
* She made her words clear to the other person on call while he just sigh in defeat mumbling a simple yes in reply to all her conditions and then she hang up the call. *

Yn- This is going to be the best
k!lling experience of my life.
*She smriked to herself before calling out her team and heading down to Jungkook's mansion where he has kept her Clown captive.*

- On the other hand in
     Jungkook's mansion -

Jungkook - So how much did my sweetheart paid you for this ? *He asked just after seeing that the girl who was looking like yn has gain consciousness. She looked here to there and just as she got a clear view, then it hitted her hard. She is trapped by JEON JUNGKOOK. soon a voice caught her off guard which was of none other than the devil itself, aka JEON F_CKING JUNGKOOK. She could not understand what he was saying for some seconds but then he again repeated himself but in a deep and dangerous voice to make her understand what he was talking about or in simple words, what he actually wanted to know from her.*

What will happen now??
Will jungkook k!ll lily before yn reach here to save her ??
Will yn get trapped with him??

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Thank you so much for waiting
Have a great time ahead
Good night and sweet dreams 😘
Sarangahe 💜

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