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*Moon looked towards her other two siblings with her teary eyes and said*

Moon- I hope that he doesn't lose his love like me but I tried everything in my power to make him feel happy. I did everything for him but I think it was not enough and it would never be enough. I made a mistake by falling in love but now I will make it better. I would never come infornt of him again. I will everything in my power to get him feel superior than jungkook.*she said as tears fall down from her eyes but she was taken back when she heard someone's voice. All of them looked in that direction and saw that their parents were standing their. Her mother aka Mrs. Kim walked towards her and slapped her hard without saying anything. Her cheek was bleeding because her mother had a ring on and that scratched her skin. She looked at her mother and saw her boiling in anger. She smiled towards her mother with teary eyes while her mother slapped her again and harder than last time. She still didn't say anything and got up from her place and walked towards her father. She hugged him even when she knew that they would never show her any kind of affection. She than broke the hug and walked towards her mother and got on her knees. Her mother looked at her face which had some blood on it because of her ring.*

Moon- Mom would you please patt my head for the last time.*she said almost pleading infront of her mother*

Mrs. Kim - A useless girl like you doesn't deserve my affection. What did you ever do huh? You never ever achieved anything. You were never good in the first place because you was born as a girl. Because of you, my husband started getting away from me. He loved you more than me. You snatched away my happiness. And in the end when I was starting to get his attention back, you got into an accident and he took care of you, ignoring me who was his wife. He loved me like crazy until you were born. He choosed you over me and his sons. He did not show any kind of affection towards them then what did you do to deserve this much of love huh? Nothing. He even took you with him on his business trip and what happened there? He got killed by his enemies just because of you. If you didn't go with him than he would have been alive by today. You got him killed because of your bad luck. I sent you away from my unborn baby who was in my womb when my husband died but he choosed to stay here with you. I got married to my husband's younger brother so that my son would get the power but you got equity in their property. I didn't kill you because you were my own daughter but still I regret having you till now. You are a bad luck. You even gave attention to someone else who was not even your own brother and behaved like a mother to whom? A useless person who didn't even had any kind of identity of his own. His family abandoned him and you ...... You took care of him, a snake. He snatched away the love of my son. He tried to k!ll him and you choose to fall in love with him. He got everything which my son deserves. You saved him from everyone and stayed with him as a shadow even when he tried to harm your own brother. What kind of sister are you, huh? A useless person who behaves like a victim everytime. I want you to DIE. Even if you die by the most brutal way, I would still never cry. You destoryed my life and now I want to destory yours. You were never my something to began with because of your bad luck. I would have aborted you if I would had known about the future. You deserve pain only. I want that you die soon and that too infront of my eyes, only than I will feel better. *Her mother had while looking at moon who was sitting infront of her on her knees. Moon smiled while her tears were falling down on her mother heels.*

Moon- Guards hold everyone on their place fast. *As soon as she said this everyone was caught by her men. She smile while looking at her mother and then kissed her heels before standing straight. She looked at her father or step father who was looking at her with pain in his eyes. He never wanted her to go through all this but still what could he do? He can't even hug her infront of his family. He was happy after seeing her for the first time and he always wished to be there for her but he can't. He sent her away and took care of her and even he had his special team to look after her when she was alone. He always wished that some day her mother will call her back but it never happened. He felt so useless but still he couldn't do anything against her. She was his big brother's wife and a mother like figure for him even after she married him. He never touched her and respected her. He never ever asked her anything about what she did and what she is going to do. Moon went towards her father again and hugged him before saying*

Moon- Dad, I am happy. I will be in a better place so please never feel guilty about this. I could never get out from the guilt of making my younger brother feel weak. I am sorry but I need to go.*she said and walked towards her siblings and hugged them while they were shouting and telling her to order her men to leave them. Soon taehyung walked downstairs and saw the scene. He got his gun out from his jeans and shoot down all the men on their head making them to fall down in seconds. She smiled and went towards him.*

Tae- What was this all? *He asked feeling irritated*

Moon- Can I hug you once? *He nodded his head not understanding what is going on. She hugged him and then walked back towards her mother*

Moon- Mumma I am sorry for the blood on your dress.*she said making everyone confused but the next second, everyone's eyes went wide as they saw her holding taehyung's gun in her hand which she got while hugging him*

To be continued.......
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Sarangahe everyone.
I hope that this was not boring.
Let's meet in another part.

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