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Jimin- Ok then let's meet at 6pm at your mansion. By.*he hang up*

*After the call was cutted down she shouted calling everyone downstairs. Jin and Rm came running downstairs. They looked at eachother for some kind of clues but still sat beside her waiting for her to continue.*

Moon- Where the hell is taehyung right now?*she asked as soon as she saw them sitting on the couch infront of her*

Jin- How in the world would we know?*he said feeling irritated*

Moon- That's not the answer. Tell me where is he right now. I know that you both know about his belongings.*she asked again but in a harsh way*

Rm- We don't know about where he is and why do you suddenly feel interested in knowing about his belongings?

Moon- Are you all trying to get jimin out of the frame of yn's life?*she asked ignoring his question*

Rm- Why would we and even if we are doing then what's wrong in that? He is our brother and he deserves her.

Moon- Jin do you have something to do with the kidnapping and murder of lily?*she asked him as she noticed his body getting a little stiff on the mention of her earlier question so she proceed it with him*

Jin- No I don't. *He regained his calm in seconds and answered her confidently*

Moon- I doubt that you do.

Jin- It's upto you, beleive me or don't but I don't have anything to do with her.

Rm- Why are you accusing us about anything which we never did? Why don't you go and ask your dear jungkook?

Moon- He's dead.*she said calmly*

Rm- WHAT??*he asked her feeling shocked after knowing that jungkook is dead meanwhile moon just nodded her head as yes in reply*

Rm- Who k!lled him?

Moon- Yn ofcourse but that's the problem, he is dead then who
k!lled lily and also she herself confessed that her kidnapper wasn't jungkook but it was someone else.

Jin- I don't believe that he is dead.*he mumbled*

Moon- You need to .

Jin- He died even when he had a mafia queen aka his mother who got his back or should I say my own younger sister who is blinded by love that she never wanted to leave him and helped him out in everything, saving him from every attack done by us not to forget about the empire he own because of your support.

Moon- I wanted him to get his punishment by yn and when she did , i didn't interfere.

Jin- Thankfully.

Moon- Now tell me honestly, did you got her kidnapped and k!lled?

Jin- Yeah I did so what? Jimin's intensions are not nice when it comes to her so I had to get him out of the frame with yn in-order to make it easier for my youngest brother.

Moon- Did you kidnap jimin too?

Jin- No I didn't and i am honest over this.

Moon- Where is taehyung? , just tell me.

Jin- I also don't know. He is not picking up my calls or anything.

Moon- Does he has something to do with this all?

Jin- Nope , he doesn't.

Moon- I hope that he don't do anything stupid or it would not end in a good way.

Jin- Doesn't matter to me, I will get him yn if she doesn't agree. I will use her kids as a weapon to make her agree on everything he wants.

Moon- I wouldn't let you.

??- You are no one to decide it.
She is mine and I will use anyone to get her. *Everyone looked in the direction from where the voice came and saw taehyung standing on the door way. He was in his casual clothes and fuming in anger*

Moon- Taehyung where were you till now?

Tae- I was finding ways to k!ll jungkook but I think I wasn't at luck this time. *He said and then walked towards them , sitting on the couch while manspreading his legs*

Tae- I was keeping my eyes on him but my sweetheart did great in getting him k!lled yet it wasn't that much satisfying as he got an easy death. *He said like it was nothing*

Moon -*sign* when are you going to meet her?

Tae- After meeting my kids.

Moon- You can meet them after meeting with her then why do you want to meet them earlier.

Tae- My reason is same as jin Hyung.

Moon- They are your kids. *She said feeling disappointed in him*

Tae- And she is my love, my obession, my most strong and unpredictable move to destory the empire of my biggest nightmare.
I made them and there's nothing wrong in using them for getting what's mine. She is owned by me from the day when she first made eye contact with me. She is supposed to be with me , under my  mercy.

Moon- You have lost your mind taehyung. *She said rolling her eyes after listening to his words*

Tae- Same like you? You also lost your mind when you bought that b@stard in our house. He was nothing but still you gave him everything. You loved him like a mother while your own younger brother was craving for it. You never appreciated me the way you did to him. You gave up on your own life and even stayed as a hostage for years just because you fell in love with him. You supported him in every thing like literally everything. You helped him in becoming a mafia but what did you do for me? NOTHING. Can you even list a single thing you did for? You made me feel envy from him who didn't even had any identity of his own. You made me feel insecure about myself because I was like an invisible person to you. Was I not good enough for you to show me some affection? Why would jungkook always get everything? Why would a piece of sh!t become my competition, my nightmare? WHY? *he said and kicked the glass table infront of him and left from there*

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Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself everyone.

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