13 ⚠️ [SMUTH { TAE × Y/N }]

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*tae got cutted off by yn*

Yn- Tae I don't wanna to be crule to you and I love you more than anything else in this world. I never betrayed you tae, Never.

*tae just chuckle bitterly*

Tae- Even my dreams are about you but your nothing is related to me. I just wish that i never ever loved you. Just get lost from my life.

*he said and went towards the bedroom and open it while yn also followed him but at that time tae noticed her dress*

Tae- F_ck... Why I am having dreams like this about her.

*he said feeling his member awake*

Yn- tae actually I don't love jk and I......

*tae just ignore her words and keep on staring at her body and yn glup noticing it. Her eyes went wide when tae stated that*

Tae- I wanna f_ck you in every way and mark every inch of your body and mark you as mine.

*yn just start to button up the upper buttons and all and start to walk towards the Hall to take her clothes but tae hold her wrist and throw her on the bed making her shocked and feel shivers down her spine*

Tae- aleast I will mark you as mine in my dreams.

*he said as he wasn't in his right sense because of drinks and Viagra (high dose but with slow process)*

Yn- Ta-e it's not a dream.

*she said backing off while tae just over above her little $€×y body*

Yn- Tae you are not in your right sense.

*she said being a bit scared*

Tae- *scoff* not even in dreams, you wanna be mine.

*he said and start to back off but his words hurt yn and she felt his pain and teary fall from her eyes thinking about his condition because of her. He was never bad with her. He cared for her sincerely but he just got pain in return*

Yn- T-ae it's not like that.

*she said looking at him getting out of the room but he went to the bar (mansion bar) and start making a strong shot for himself*

Yn- tae don't drink more , you are already drunk.

Tae- Why do you even care when I am nothing to you? It's not like I am your everything or even..... An-ythi-ng.

*his voice cracked at the last word and that made yn's heart shatter down into pieces*

Yn-Tae I love you sincerely with my whole heart and soul.

*she said close her eyes while Tae just look at her after hearing her words but then his eyes widen after realizing that yn start to unbutton her shirt and In a couple of second she remove it and it fall on the floor in front of Taehyung's eyes and that made him go crazy but he again thought that it's his dream and he again focused on making his drink but yn went and sit on his lap*

Yn- you wanted to mark me as your's, right? Then do it, I am willing to be marked as your.

*she said and start k!$$!ng taehyung's lips and he also k!$$ her with same passion and start to roam around her body (she still had her inner wears on her body).*

Yn- Tae mark me as your. Make me yours. I am dying to be yours.

*Tae took her to the bedroom in princess style and lay her on the bed gently*

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