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On the other room

Tae-Fuck how can I be this irresponsible towards her. Oh god please save her and her baby. Please i don't wanna lose her like everyone else.

*tae was praying to God thinking about her condition. Doctors was going coming out from her ward like she is in danger. He didn't get the courage to speak about it to anyone. He was afraid to even think about it but now yn is in danger. Doctor come up to him and bowed while shivering in fear yet still manage to utter those words infornt of him making him sigh in fraustion*

Doctor - Mr.ki......*he was unable to talk because of fear*

Tae-Are you going to shiver like this for whole life huh? Tell me what is going on and how is she? Is she fine or not and her baby? Is the baby okay? Do i need to buy any medicine or anything? Do I need to pay for any thing?

*He asked being impacient and frustrated from doctor's behaviour*

Doctor-N-o Sir. S-he is ok-ay.

*He utter those words with so much strength and the next moment he was in taehyung's arms. Tae hug him and start thanking him again and again making him confuse and shocked. It's the first time of tae to thank someone for him as he never saw him even talking politely with anyone. He was taken back but just then he felt that his coat got a little wet as tae was shedding tears of happiness. The doctor hug him back and said*

Doctor -Most welcome sir.

*He said and tae back off from him while giving him a boxy smile which the doctor return gladly and speak again feeling pretty comfortable and confident*

Doctor -You can take her home now because I don't think that you will like her to get hurt from your enimes.

Tae-Thank you so much doctor.

Doctor -Most welcome sir.

*he left after bowing infornt of taehyung with a small smile on his face.*

*Tae went towards the room in which yn was laying while staring at the celling. She was sad because of some reason.*

Tae-Yn baby...??

*He called her softly making her to look at him with a fear in her heart of losing her life. She was not wanting to die like this now.*


*He again call her name making her to snap into the reality*

Yn- Ta-e.

*She look at him in disbelief as she wasn't expecting him to be here while he get get her nervousness and went towards her and sit beside her bed*

Tae- How are feeling now love?

*He asked her while caressing her hairs softly which made her more confuse by his actions*

Yn-W-what are you doing here?

*She asked while shuttering and tae just sigh and start talking*

Tae-I know that you are not happy to see me here but let's not talk about this. I just want you to know that your and......

*he stop in between as his eyes become teary yet he close them and speak the last words coldly while his heart was feeling like being apart from a knife*

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