69 - 🔞

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Ahem ahem the chapter number is really suitable for us right now🌚.
Let's go back to the story.

Jk- Let's have a match and if you win than I die but if I win than you will ride this katana.


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n - Nope, if I win then I will cut this d!ck down of yours.

*She said and walked towards the table to get one more katana and then threw it towards jungkook

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*She said and walked towards the table to get one more katana and then threw it towards jungkook. He caught it skillfully and smriked at her, only if she knew that he would never lose in using any weapon then maybe she wouldn't have given him the chance to fight. He practiced how to use weapons from the age of 12. He is really good at it and it's almost impossible to fight him and then make him lose in this. *

* In the dimly lit room, Jungkook and YN stood face to face, the tension palpable

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* In the dimly lit room, Jungkook and YN stood face to face, the tension palpable. The soft glow of candlelight flickered, casting shadows that danced on the walls around them. The air was charged with anticipation as they prepared for a battle that went beyond the physical realm.*

*Jungkook, his eyes reflecting the determination to win, locked onto YN's gaze. The room seemed to shrink around them, creating an intimate space where the clash of their swords would echo with a resonance of unspoken emotions.*

*As the first strikes were exchanged, the sound of steel meeting steel reverberated through the confined space. Their movements were precise, a choreography of combat that mirrored the uncharted dance of their hearts. In the midst of the struggle, a connection blossomed - a silent understanding that transcended the boundaries of the room.*

*YN's agile maneuvers were met with Jungkook's strategic brilliance, creating a dance of blades that told a story of mutual respect. The soft glow of the candles accentuated the beads of sweat on their brows, underscoring the intensity of their confrontation. Every parry, every thrust, was a step in the unspoken ballet they performed.*

*As the climax approached, Jungkook, with a controlled maneuver, disarmed YN. Her weapon clattered to the floor, signaling a temporary end to their physical battle. Yet, victory held a different meaning in this room; it wasn't just about the defeat of an opponent.*

*Jungkook approached YN, his hand extended not in triumph, but in a silent invitation. YN, defeated but not broken, met his gaze with a mix of admiration and understanding. Their fingers touched, a subtle spark igniting between them as Jungkook helped her to her feet.*

Jk- Your skill is impressive, YN.
* Jungkook admitted, sincerity in his voice. YN, still catching her breath, nodded appreciatively.*

Yn- And yours, Jungkook, is nothing short of extraordinary, i couldn't believe that you are thie good at this. *she replied, the words carrying a weight beyond the confines of the room.*

*The candlelight played on their faces, casting a warm ambiance as they stood in the aftermath of their battle. The room, witness to their unspoken connection, became a sanctuary where victory was measured not by defeat but by the depth of understanding forged through combat.*

*Jungkook and YN, their swords now at rest, shared a lingering gaze. In the quiet of the room, the boundaries between them blurred, and the dance of their hearts continued, painting a story of victory that transcended the confines of the battleground but this all broke down yn jungkook spoke his next sentence*

Jk - Let's get you up to your punishment. *He said and smriked towards her, only to find her looking at him with widen eyes. He isn't going to make her ride the katana , right!. A FCKING KATANA BRO. *

Jk- what are you thinking sweetheart? *He asked and walked towards the table to look for the best and safest katana. Soon he found it, it was a black katana with its back side all covered properly. He doesn't want to risk it for yn but what can he even do right now !? He walked back towards her and picked her up and putted her on his shoulder*

Jk- Where's the red room sweetheart? *He asked sweetly*

Yn- I don't own any.

Jk- I doubt that but if you don't own any then let me take you to my mansion because I own a whole damn floor as the red room.*he said and she just looked all flustered over his words even without her own self knowing this. Soon he went out and putted her down on the before closing the door of the room.*

Jk- I would really love to carry you down like this but you looks so amazing and I don't want anyone else to admire it, not even for seconds.*he said and planted a kiss on her forehead. She is getting lost in his words. Soon he hold her hand and took her downstairs with a katana in another hand*

Jk- Please have a seat my queen. *He said and she did as she was told, everything was so silent, it was not what she expected right now but let's just go with the flow. He kheel down infront of her and then took off her heels and then carried her into her room which was downstairs in his arms which she hold the katana in her hand. He soon reached the room and putted her down on the bed.*

Jk - Strip.

Yn- Huh??

Jk - Strip sweetheart, it's your punishment time.*he said and then got the cover off from the Katana. He soon climbed up the bed and then planted the katana in between the bed and kept moving his hands up and down to make sure that it wouldn't hurt her. Soon he got done and then looked back at yn"

Jk- Strip sweetheart, just your lower clothes so that you could get your punishment , or you can just skip the punishment, even when I was ready to die but you are not ready to ride this.

Yn- I wouldn't

Yn- I wouldn't

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To be continuedThanks for reading1

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To be continued
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