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Lisa-I Know my oppa will never deny it and even he is deadly in love with you gurl you should be happy for getting someone like that and even you are not going to lie. Tae oppa devour you in real so don't get worried about this all and the second thing is that it's the only way to escape from this hell yn. If you wanna get free from here than you have to take step for this.*yn look at lisa and then think of something for something and after that she just nodded her head in yes slowly but she was feeling hurt in her heart. It was looking like a big deal to do for her*


-Present -

Lisa- Yn now get rid of these marks fastly then we have to buy somethings for our plan and even we have to find a appartment to leave for sometime.

Yn-I am just done wait a minute.*She said while putting on markup around those marks given by the love of her life aka kim taehyung. After sometime she was done and then she look at lisa with a smile *

Yn-How is it looking? Is it fully covered or not?*she asked lisa and lisa nodded*

Lisa-You did a great job babe.*she showed yn a thumbs up and yn just giggle at her reaction*

*Jimin enter the corridor and was about to knock but find out that the room as the gate was open and saw both of them smiling in there own world. He just clear his throat loudly gaining there attention and walk in with a sweet smile on his face*

Jimin-Here is your things and yn this is for you as a gift from me.*he smile while gifting her a sweet teddy bear and yn accept it gladly with a smile on her face*

Yn-Thank you so much mr. Park Jimin. *She said and bowed infornt of him to show respect while he just chuckle at her behaviour*

Jimin-No need to call me formally yn I am like your big brother you should call me jimin oppa or you can use some other nikename too.*he smile and she nodded her head*

Yn-Then what about mochi oppa?*she asked with a innocent smile and jimin nodded with a sweet giggle*

Jimin -It's great btw both of you take care of yourself because i am going to abroad for a week with jungkook so you both have to stay here.*he said with a sweet voice and yn just nodded*

*Jimin's Mobile ring and he took it and went outside leaving them all alone*

Author's pov -

It's been two days of jk and Jimin going on trip. Tae never came back in these two days. Yn is worried about him and now today lisa also went to meet her mother as she was sick. Yn was laying on the couch lazily but then the door open revealing tae. She sit on the couch straight after seeing him coming in the mansion with a cold and emotional less face. He walk towards her and sit on the opposite couch of her.

Tae- I will stay here till jk, lisa or Jimin return back.*cold voice while yn just nodded her head slowly*

*After some time yn start to walk away from there but unfortunately she slipped off and fall on the ground. Tae went to her and saw that she hurt her ankle so he carry her towards her room in his arms but then something caught his attention and they were buries and hickeys given by him but he thought that it is given by jk and his heart break down into millions of pieces. He just put her down on the bed and she also didn't utter a single word. Tae left from there after putting some medicine on her ankle and massaging it a little. Yn was confused but she didn't dare to say anything to tae. Now it's been 1 am in night and yn's room door open with a loud thub. She saw that tae was standing on the door with a sad and broken smile. She went towards him but he just went and fall on her bed. Yn went to him and she got a high smell of alcohol from his body. He was looking at her body more like f_cking her with his eyes. Yn felt a bit awkward because it's first time when tae is starting at her with desirful eyes. *

Yn's night dress

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Yn's night dress

*Yn was in her thoughts when tae pull her towards himself by holding her wrist and she fall on his hard chest*

Yn-Tae you are drunk you should sleep.*she said ready to get up from his body but then he again pull her and this time he change there position by flipping her up. She was now under him and tae was hovering over her little figure. He start moving his fingers on her face to neck and then to cleavage and then he dig his head in the crock of her neck while her breath
Hitch because of his sudden action. She tried to move away but then she felt that her shoulder is wet and then she realise that tae is crying silently. She caresses his back to clam him down but he start sobbing harder*

Tae-Wh-y jus-t why yn? W-hy did y-ou ch-oose jk ove-r me?*he was crying mess and seeing this yn also start crying while patting his back with so much love and affection. Tae clam down after some hours and then he pull his head up from the crock of her neck only to find some dark hickeys on her neck again he was hurt and wanted to die. His dry ocean like eyes again start getting teary and yn notice that he is staring at something. His anger start taking over his mind and he bite on that hickey hard while sucking it and making it darker. He was so much into his work that he didn't even notice that how much yn was struggling and getting hurt from this. He was just taking his pain out on her body but just then the hickey start to bleed a little. He lick it up and heard yn's small sob. He look at her and say her fisting his shirt in her little hands. She was looking like a kid under his big body. He keep on staring at her body for a moment. After some minutes yn wipe away her tears and start talking*

Yn-Tae don't stop I know you are in pain. You can get it out on me.*smile sweetly and caressed his hairs in a soft way which made him shocked*

Votes 40
Words 1.15k
( Next part will take sometime as I have my finals on my head
Sorry guys
see you all soon
Love you all)

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