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Tae - Unnie are you sure about this all? I know that you are saying this just to comfort me but just don't give me false hopes unnie. You have been living here from 5 years and yet you didn't dare to go against jk because of your love and feelings and now you are saying me to snatch yn away from him. It is making me feel crazy.

*Tae told her whatever was going on his mind while she just kiss his forehead and start talking with a sweet voice*

??- Tae i love him but you know that i can never have him. He thinks me as his mother but unlucky me is not able to get myself along again to love someone else. I am your sister but yet I told you to stay as a guest in your own house because of my insane love. I made you sacrifice alot because of my love but now I can't do anything again just to get him and even I don't want to do anything. I am tried of trying tae. Set me free from here and I will go to abroad and never ever come back here tae. I am giving up on my love.

*she said with a smile but her heart was breaking along with every word. She had been acting from childhood to be his mother just to stay with him but now nothing is working. She can never have jk as her. He is not that little kid anymore. She can never tell him that she love him as man not as her son or anything. She acted like she is his mother just to give him comfort and love a mother gives her child as jk was an orphan child and she bring him with her to his house. She was 12 and he was 7. Jk was sad for along time after coming with her but one day he got into a accident and forget everything. He lost his memory and this lead him to become a new born baby minded kid as he didn't even remember how to talk or walk. He lost his mind control and at that time she was with him. She taught him everything and treated him like her son. He start to recover but still he didn't got his memory back and that was a big problem as she fall for him but he start to think her as his mother. He never ever tried to see the age difference. He use to think that she just looks young and his dad had abandoned them and she is married to anyone else who is no more in this world ( mr.kim). He use to think that tae is his step brother and jimin is tae's cousin but the story is something else. There's a lot of things which are hidden from him.*

Tae- I want my yn unnie and now when are you also ready to give up on your love then I will make her mine and take her away from this world.

*She caresses his hair and pass a sweet smile to him with a little nod*

?? - Indeed, you have to get her at any cost tae. Just don't delay in all this anymore. Go and confess her directly.

Tae- okay unnie. *He said and hug her tightly while she just patted his back*

??- Tae can you call me from my name for last time? I have been feeling bore from everything.

Tae- Sure my sweet sister or should I call you formally. I mean by THE BIGGEST UNDERWORLD MAFIA QUEEN SNOW.

*She just hit his arm because he was making fun of her*

?? - Tae i am not able to handle my gang from 5 years now don't call me by that mafia tag.

Tae- and why do you think that your gang is dead by now?

*He asked her while raising his eyebrows*

??- It's clear that no one would have handled it after me.

*She tried to sound fine but her voice was to low and ít was clear that she js hurt because of this*

Tae- yah my pabo moon unnie, I am handling it perfectly so you don't need to worry and now I have my own gang so you can take over your gang after getting free from here.

*He pass her a sweet smile which she return with a charming hug and kiss on his cheek*

Moon- Thank you so much my pabo brother. I love you so much.

*She said hugging him tightly while he was hugging her back*

Tae-More than jk?

*he asked her with a cute pout after backing of from the hug and she pinch his cheek and answer with a sweet smile*

Moon- Yes pabo more than jk or more than anything in this world.

Moon- now I want to get free from here as fast as I can so can you please tell me about our family and all? I mean where they are and how there condition is?

*She asked him*

Tae- Father is still in America with mom and Hyung and they are fit and fine but just a bit worried about you.

Moon-Oh god, they are still worring about a grown @$$ woman.

*She said dramatically*

Tae- unnie they think that you have been stressing yourself out because you have never been in contact with them from 5 years so it's normal to get worried because even if we all are mafias and have been living far away from each other for our security but still they are our parents and it's normal to being worried about there child for them, right?

*He said with a cute pout*

Moon- Oh god I just forgot about being a kid of my parents.

Tae-yah now stop mocking them Unnie. They love us. They shifted us here just for our safety reasons and you also know this so why are you acting like a child again. Now don't be angry on them and let's go to meet them.

*he said hoping that she will agree*


*She roll her eyes*

Tae- please


Moon- Okay now stop behaving all cute and innocent. Now make me free from here or do you want me to die like this at this young age.

Tae- just wait a minute.

*He said and free her from every chain. After doing this all both of them left from there and moon went to abroad alone while tae come back to mansion just to find it empty which means yn is still out of the mansion so he call his man and ask about where she is and what she is doing and the news made him feel like the land went off from his feets. He ran towards his car and left the mansion in hurry with a angry and worried expression along with feeling scared*

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I am sorry for late updates but i have been trying to update the next part yet nothing was working. I have re- edited this part and it is damn irritating for me and I hope that I would be able to post the next part soon. Till then Love you all see you soon in the next part. Borahae 💜

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