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Jungkook - How much she paid you for acting like her? *Lily look at him with a shocked expression on her face because she was not thinking that he could catch her this fast and also how could she end up here? She doesn't even remember anything like that and also her head is paining like h€ll but here she got another sh!t to handle.*

Lily-  What the h€ll do you mean by acting like her and also what is this Mr. Jeon? You can't just get someone ropped like this without any reason. *She said trying to manipulate him but he just chuckle at her words making her more irritate from before*

Jungkook - Oh really? *He said with a smrik on his face*

Lily- Yes and now set me free. *She said trying to control it all before she gets any order from yn to actually act over this problem and k!ll these b@stards of Jungkook.*

Jungkook - Why in so hurry sweetheart, first let me welcome you back grandly.*he said while coming closer to her and just in some seconds he was standing infornt of her. He took out his mobile from his mobile and just then he showed her something which make her body to turn pale in fear. She look up at him and saw him smriking*

Lily - How ???*only this word escape her mouth*

Jungkook - I am a mafia king gurl so now tell me quickly or i would have to end your sister's life. *He said smriking after seeing her sweating *

Lily- I got about 20 million dollars .*she said while looking at her feets. She could not risk her sister's life at any cost. She could never do that.*

Jungkook- I will pay you triple if you tell me about the place where yn is right now. *He said with a clam voice*

Lily- I don't need your money. Just leave my sister alone .*jungkook chuckle darkly at her reply*

Jungkook - Jay, get the information out . *He said and went to sit on the couch peacefully*

Jungkook - Let's see how long you gonna resist to tell me and about your sister then I have sent my men there and just as they reach there , they would make sure that she leave this world so think and then tell me. *He said calmly while his man was beating the sh!t out of her.*

*After few minutes*

Jungkook - Think again, they are about to reach your sister and then you will lose the person for whom you are doing this all. *He said smriking internally knowing that his words will make her lose*

Lily- Leave me or she will not leave you. *Lily shouted at him but he just laughed out loud*

Jungkook - Oh really, what she will do huh? Will she run the river of blood, huh?*he said being serious and frustrated because she was not telling him what he wants to know but someone's voice got him all shocked*

??- Not will, she already did. *A man said entering jungkook's basement. He is the same man how was helping him at everything nowdays.*

Jungkook - What??* He said being shocked from whatever he just heard from his man's mouth*

Gong Yoo- Yes , I went to check on the men's whom you sent to get jimin but when i reached there I saw a girl brutally k!lling them. The process was so crule and brutal that it even shocked me to my core. I was feeling like someone freezed me any my mind. I could not even think straight but after seeing that brutal torture for few minutes I got back from there but before coming here I did look into some information and got this about her.*he said handing over jungkook a file with yn's new pic. Jungkook smriked and then look at lily with a smrik on his face*

Jungkook - Let's see how she would save you. *He said walking out of the room with his man leaving Gong Yoo and Lily behind in that room*

Like- She will k!ll you more brutally to be honest.*she said but she saw a smrik on his face which was not something which she expected from him*

Gong Yoo - I doubt that if you will even survive at any cost.*he said taking out a injection from his pocket which had some kind of drugs in it.*

Lily- Wait what are you doing? Hey stop, what the hell is inside this? I sware to god that I will k!ll you more brutally than Queen if you free me up.*she said shouting at him with anger but he just laughed at her words*

Gong Yoo- Do you think that I am an idiot and also it's not going to
k!ll you instantly, it will take 5 hours for you to di€ but do you know why I am giving you this even when jungkook has all the information and also he didn't order me yet so why, do you know that ?
*He asked smriking to himself which was scaring her because now he was not looking like a normal man of Jungkook , he was looking like a dangerous mafia who is thirsty for blood and revenge but why would he do that to her? What will he get after
k!lling her? These questions were occuping her mind so she simply thought to ask him as she saw him checking the injection before injecting it to her. *

Lily- W-why?? *She shuttered a little because of the dark aura he was having now but he just chuckle*

Gong Yoo - Because you saw our boss and even if you don't remember that incident then still it's dangerous for him and his identity. Soon he will come back in your Queen's life like a victim because of her and then she would have to choose him even if she doesn't wants to.*he said and just after this he injected her that drug making her feel extremely tired and uneasy. He smrik and throw that empty injection there and left from there.*

Who is the boss? Who is playing the victim card when he is not one of them ? Can you guess it out?

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I can't even believe that i reach that much reads 🥺. Thank you again guys . I love you all so much 💜😚.
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Have a great time ahead
Sarangahe 💜

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