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Jungkook - H-how??*he asked breathing heavily after feeling the pain increasing in his chest*

Tae - She was always helping you, taking your side and in the end she k!lled herself because she was blinded by love for you but I am not blind like her. I don't care about anything else, I deserve your power and even your everything because you always stole it from me. It was supposed to be me, who should be ruling the underworld but it was taken away by you but now everything will change and i would not let you have the power anymore.*he said and took out a gun from his collection. It had everything like literally every kind of weapons to torture someone and k!ll them. He walked back towards jungkook and loaded his gun before pointing at him.*

Jungkook - When did this happen? * He asked not caring about his surroundings *

Tae- Just an hour ago.

Jungkook - W-what about her funeral? What are you doing here? You should be with her dead body. How could you be this crule to leave her body like that? You are her real brother and still you choose to come here and tell me all that only to put the blame On Me. Shame on you taehyung. A bastard like you is what no one deserves. *He said feeling pathetic after knowing the news*

Tae- Her body is not here.

Jk- what does that even mean? What do you mean by her body is not here? It is supposed to be here right. And why the hell are you so calm after knowing that your sister's dead body is not here and she just died an hour ago in front of your eyes, have some shame on yourself , how could you be this heartless to ignore someone's death who took care of you when your mother was not here and still you doesn't care about that body. Have you lost your mind with your heart and everything to be this crule and pathetic? *He asked moreover like shouted at taehyung while tears fall down from his eyes*

Tae- yes I am pathetic and I lost my everything to not care about her. Her body is taken away by my father or should I say step father. He will manage everything and also she loved you more, she took care of you too. She was your mother figure even after not having any relationship with you she behaved like you were her everything. Now shut your mouth and let's talk about what I want. *Tae said getting irritated with Jungkook's back to back questions*

Tae- I got to know that yn has the control over your empire now.

Jk- And what the hell you have to do with it? It's my empire and my queen is going to rule it in my absence and even if I get back, she would rule the empire and if she wants to then she will rule this world and I will make sure of it. *He said glaring at taehyung with tears in his eyes because of the earlier news*

Tae- Oh wow, so we have a lover boy here? That's funny and really dreamy for you to think that you will survive from here.

Jungkook - I will , I don't think that an useless person like you would ever be able to get over with whatever you are doing and k!lling me will always be your dream you b@stard. If you are that much strong then just set my hands open and then I will show you who the real mafia is and why I rule over the Jeon Empire. *He said moving on his chair*

Tae- That's really nice to see but I don't have time for your bullsh!t. Give up on everything you own on my name and I will give you an easy death.*he said playing with the gun in his hand but jungkook just growled at his words*

Jk- A loser like you doesn't deserve to rule my emperor.

Tae- I think you are underestimating me. I can k!ll you and no one would ever find out that you died by my hands. *He said smriking evily*

Jk- Even if I die today, my queen wouldn't give up the crown of my emperor for someone useless like you. *He said in anger *

Tae *chuckle* - She is blinded in love for me just like how my sister was for you. Yn would do anything to see me happy and I will make sure of it just after I k!ll you. Also if you think your sign matters to me in-order to get the control over your property then you are wrong buddy. I am older then you and wiser too. If you don't sign this property then *his words got cutted off by an ear piercing shout, and not so long after that taehyung's phone rang with someone's number. He looked at the caller id and picked it up and putted on speaker while smriking because it was his mother's number who initially hated jungkook and wanted her to hear Jungkook's scream when taehyung torture him to death but everything went down to vain when he heard the first sentence on the call*

??- How are you my sweetheart? *The person on the other side of the phone said making taehyung feel like his world just flipped upside down. His face was pale after hearing the female's voice. He wasn't able to answer the question as jungkook shouted from the back side making him to panick and end up the call while wishing that she didn't hear that or it would be a big problem for him*

Jungkook - yn taehyung is not what you think of  him as.*he shouted this as loud as he can and then smriked after seeing the panick in taehyung's eyes. Taehyung loaded his gun and pointed it towards jungkook's head before saying the least expecting words from him.*

Happy new year everyone
Sorry for late wishes
I had my pre boards and then farewell after it.
I got 15 days off from school but my boards are coming so I need to focus on studies.
Wish me luck
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