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*Tae went towards the door and open it but the person made he saw made his eyes to get wide in suprise. He was in his thoughts but just then that person throw a punch on tae making him to lose his control and fall on the ground with a loud thub*

Yn's pov (in taehyung's room)

I just felt a bit relieved after knowing that tae loves me from so long. I was drown into my thoughts and was thinking to tell tae about his child because now I am with him and maybe he will accept this child after knowing the truth but I was taken back with a loud thub from downstairs as there wasn't much people in this damn big @$$ mansion so I was able to hear every little sound. I went downstairs to see what was going but I just found that tae was fighting with my wrost nightmare aka the beast JEON JUNGKOOK  both of them were hitting each other like there's no tommorow, even there face was hurted. I ran towards them and try to stop them but non of them was giving a damn to my existence. They were just fighting non stop so I collected my whole courage and stand in between them to stop there fight and luckily both of them stopped which was quite relaxant thing for me but this didn't last long as jungkook start speaking in his deep voice which gave Shivers down to my spine*

Jungkook - What the hell are you doing here with this b@$t@rd yn? Don't tell me that you are also going to leave me like my mother because of this fvcking little piece of sh!t.

Tae-I am not a little piece of sh!t fuking Jeon Jungkook. I am the real owner of this whole mafia world and i am the real blood of mafia king while you are just a mere dog who was adopted by my sister out of some sympathy but now you are forgetting your place. If I want then I can destory you in seconds, i can have my postion back but still I am letting you have it just for the shake of my sister's promise and her love towards you or you would have been thrown out like a waste.

*he said in a voice full of anger and hate*

Jungkook - First of all she is my mother, it does not matter if she is my real mother or not and i don't care about your being the real blood of mafia the thing which I care about is my mother who is not there, where I left her.

*he also answered in that angry voice but he could not deny the fact that he is not real blood of mafia and tae can destory him in seconds but he still keep himself together and proceed further to ask about his mother in simple words he wants his mother back as tae is the only person who can get her away from jungkook and tae also sense this so he start warning jungkook so that he would not investigate further about his sister.

-aside from the story-

( Tae's sister adopted jungkook and jungkook start to think her as his mother)

Back to story

Tae- Really....? You left her or caged her, huh? You kept her in basement while she was there because of her blind love for you but now she is out of it and she will never come back to a b@$t@rd like you. You are calling her your mother while you kept her in a dark room with those thick and heavy iron chains like a prisoner. You made her life a living hell and I also could not help her out because she was not willing to leave you but now everything is over. She has forgotten that once she loved you as her child and now as a man but just till the your real appearance. You hurted a pure soul, my yn and now you lost everything. Your gold digger girl friend aka kim Jennie, your sweetest mother aka my dearest kiñd sister and the last and most important.... Yn
your forced pray just to hurt me. What do you think that I don't know the reason behind yn being with you. You should not have hurted her or forced her Jeon Jungkook.

*he said roaring like a loin while Jungkook just stare at his face for some seconds and then start laughing like a manic but his laugh came up with a disaster in yn's life. In a few seconds, taehyung's mansion was surrounded by jungkook's men and they start to fight with him. Even after being alone, he start k!lling them like insects but jungkook payed a dirty trick to get taehyung on his knees. He went towards yn who was trying to make them stop from fighting. He hold her from back and put his gun on her head. Tae was busy in fighting with jungkook's man but yn's voice caught him off guard. He look at her direction only to find jungkook holding her with his gun pointed on her forehead. Tae stopped fighting and tried to went to jungkook but Jungkook's men holded him and jungkook start speaking again with a siner smrik on his face which made tae more angry*

Jungkook - Cool down my dear hyung and listen to me carefully. If you want your yn to be save and fine then don't dare to raise your hand on my men.

Taehyung - Jungkook let her go and i fight with me.

* He shouted out of extreme anger*

Jungkook - Don't shout too much hyung or I will blow her head and yeah I forced her to be with me but not because I wanted to hurt you but because I thought that she is a gold digger and will hurt your feelings but after sometime I get my best possesion and that's her, your yn.  But now the only thing which matters is my order so follow it if you want her to be fit and fine.

Tae- I will do whatever you want but let her go.

Jungkook - then tell me the location of my mother or should I say your dear sister.*smrik*

Tae- i would never do that.

Jungkook - Beat him until he tell her location.

*he said and inject something in yn's neck so that he would not have problem in getting the location of his dearest person after yn. He took her in bridal style and went upstairs and put her on the bed and left to see the situation of tae*

Jungkook - Tell me taehyung and I will let you go.

Tae-i wou-ld rath-er die than tellin-g y-ou.

*Jungkook's men was beating tae but taehyung was not doing anything just for the sake of yn's safety and her child which she is carrying her womb*

Jungkook - Get aside now I will beat him.

*he ordered his men and they did what he said. They were also terrified to death because they just beated the son of them most merciless mafia aka Mr.Kim but they could not disobey jungkook because he will k!ll there family members in a brutal way after hearing no from them so they choose to die by taehyung's dad's hand as they also know that he do not involve family in these matters so that they could atleast save theree families.*

*Jungkook was beating tae mercilessly but tae was not ready to speak a word about his sister. He is a son of mafia and it's deadly hard to get words out from his mouth. After a long beating tae passed out on his palce and his jungkook ordered his men to put him in his basement and said that he will handle him later and left taehyung's mansion with yn in his arms*


How was this part?????
And that's to all of you for completing the vote limit this soon. I was so surprised. Thank you so much and i love you all.
Sarangahe army 💜
Good night and sweet dreams
This part contains 1.44k+ words and yeah don't forget tell me about the story, did you like it or not and don't forget to vote also tommorow is my result day so wish me good luck as I am so nervous.

100 votes for next part.
( Next part will be there in 2-3 days)

Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everybody
Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself and have fun 😊

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