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Yn- Jimin oppa if I got to know that you have something to hide from me than I sware that I will shoot you down on the place without even having a second thought about anything.*she said and went behind him , deciding to follow him down*

*She followed him down and reached infornt of a huge mansion. It looked wonderful. He went inside while she followed him after parking her car a little bit far from there. She went towards the back side and then tried to sneak in but it was impossible to get inside the mansion which had some guards going here to there . She can't risk to make jimin feel bad after knowing that she doubt him. She was about to walk away from there again but something caught her eyes. It was a person who was standing on the 2nd floor. She could not believe her eyes. It was her taehyung. It seemed like he was in a deep thought. She forgot about what she came here for and thought to go and talk with him but in some minutes she saw him walking back in the room. Maybe someone just called him inside or maybe it is jimin who called him inside.*

Yn- He is aliv-e? And still never t-old me? *she asked herself not realising that her face is stainded down by the tears unknowingly.*

Yn- I need to get the details as soon as possible or it will be a big problem for me.*she said and dialed someone's number on her phone before ordering them something*

Yn- I want you all to track down my location and within 15 minutes I want a back up to be present here with full coverage and I want you all to surround this house fully. Also I don't want any kind of mistake in this. *She said and hang up on that person. She badly wants to go inside and confront taehyung along with jimin but it doesn't look like she should do it right now. She slowly went towards the end of the mansion and then start finding any way to get in. She just want to know about all this as fast as she could and finally after looking through the area she found a back door. She got her gun out which had a silencer on it and then shooted it down , breaking down the lock before entering the mansion from the back side. She carefully moved inside and then started thinking that should she go upstairs and confront taehyung or should she wait for her team to come here and get them all captive. She thought that maybe roaming a little would not hurt as she can fight so what's even the sense of waiting. She is not a coward to wait for her some kind of backup. She thought this all to herself and then started walking towards the stairs. She looked around before going upstairs and then started to look for taehyung's room. The whole mansion looked almost empty right now to her other than the guards other than the two mafias (tae and jimin).*

Yn- I thought he loved me but now I know that it was all a lie but I will make sure to bring his death in the wrost way possibly known to the mankind. *She said and started checking in rooms only to find them empty but after trying for 3 times she finally heard water falling sound from one of the room's bathroom which means someone is showering in there.*

Yn- It would be a great surprise if he walk out of the shower all wet beacuse after leaving the bathroom, he will be entering the hell as this room. I will make sure to dig his grave by my own hands if I caught him at fault in something.*she said to herself and then laid down on the bed waiting for the person to come out from the shower.*

*In taehyung's room*

* He went back in his room after feeling little bit better.*

Tae - Jungkook you will regret your whole existence from onwards. The guilt I am feeling right now is too much because that was my own sister but she kinda deserve it but you also had a big hand in that problem.*he said to himself and started walking towards the book shelf which can be opened and that's actually a secret way to his basement. He walked into the basement only to find jungkook looking like he would k!ll taehyung if he get a chance. Taehyung scoffed at his attitude but then bought a chair and sat down infront of him and then pulled off the tape from Jungkook's mouth.*

Jungkook - B@stard you were alive for this long and still you let her go through hell even after knowing that it's just because of you. How could you be so heartless and on the hand you say that you love her, this is the love you have for her, huh? *He said angrily not caring about himself*

Tae - Wow!! , I expected you to say that why have you held me captive but it's new and I didn't expect it for you but still let it be but you are the reason for all her suffering jungkook and also you are the reason of moon's death. *He said smriking as he saw jungkook's expression which changed into a horrible one when he heard the death word for MOON, he loved her as his own mother and even if he held her captive but it was all because he was not getting enough attention from her and he hated being left out. Even after knowing that she was not his real mother still he loved her like one. He could never think about anything bad happening to her and here taehyung is telling him that she is the reason for her DEATH.......!
She died because of him but how?*

Jungkook - M-om is d-ead?*he said as his tears rolled down incontrollably, he just wanted to kill the person who actually did it to her. His heart was breaking down into pieces right now and he could not think of anything.*

Jungkook - H-how??*he asked breathing heavily after feeling the pain increasing in his chest*

1.25k+ words done
So today my PA exam ended and they went on well like really really well but our freaking teacher told us that we will be having our pre boards from 18 like wtf bro!?? Today was the last exam and they gave us the datesheet for another one 🥲. I feel like k!lling the person who invented exams bro. It's just too much for us right but still what can we even do now! 🥲. Let's just hope for the best and also thanks for reading this chapter. Also I am sorry for the messy chapter because I don't want to drop off this story and want to end this before my final exams so I am just toooooooo sorry for this all.

By everyone
Take care
See you all in next part
Love you all
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