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Love and obsession, two sides of a coin,
One brings joy, the other can destroy.
Love is kind, gentle, and true,
Obsession is dark, twisted, and askew.

Love is a flower that blooms with care,
Obsession is a fire that burns everywhere.
Love is a feeling that grows with time,
Obsession is a demon that consumes the mind.

Love is a bond that brings two hearts close,
Obsession is a chain that never lets go.
Love is a gift that should be cherished,
Obsession is a curse that should be banished.

Love is a journey that's worth the ride,
Obsession is a path that leads to the divide.
Love is a light that shines in the dark,
Obsession is a shadow that leaves a mark.

Choose wisely which path to take,
For love is a gift that's never too late.

Obsession, the fire that burns within,
A desire that never seems to end.
A longing that consumes the soul,
A hunger that never gets full.

It starts with a thought, a spark in the mind,
A feeling that's hard to leave behind.
It grows and grows until it takes hold,
A desire that's hard to control.

It's like a drug that brings a high,
A feeling that never seems to die.
It's like a flame that never fades,
A passion that always stays.

It can be a blessing or it can be a curse,
A feeling that's hard to reverse.
It can lead to greatness or it can lead to pain,
A choice that's hard to explain.

Obsession, the fire that burns within,
A desire that never seems to end.
A longing that consumes the soul,
A hunger that never gets full.

Obsession, a flame that never dies,
A feeling that forever lies.
It's like a storm that never calms,
A hunger that always embalms.

It takes hold and never lets go,
A feeling that's hard to outgrow.
It's like a shadow that's always there,
A presence that's hard to bear.

It can be a force that drives us on,
A feeling that's never gone.
It can be a passion that fuels the soul,
A desire that makes us whole.

But it can also be a curse that's hard to break,
A feeling that's hard to shake.
It can be a demon that haunts the mind,
A hunger that's hard to find.

Obsession, a flame that never dies,
A feeling that forever lies.
It's like a storm that never calms,
A hunger that always embalms.

In death they lay, side by side,
Two lovers with nothing left to hide.
Their hands still clasped, their eyes closed tight,
Together they'd sleep through the endless night.

Their love was true, their bond unbreakable,
In life they were inseparable.
But death had come and taken hold,
Their love story forever to be told.

They'd loved each other through thick and thin,
Through every joy and every sin.
And even in death, they stayed true,
Their love for each other forever anew.

In death they lay, side by side,
Two lovers with nothing left to hide.
Their love had transcended life and death,
A love that would never take its last breath.

Author's pov

This is a draft which was supposed to be posted before starting the story but I lost it earlier so ummm now when it's over I want you all to atleast have a look on this.


I am sorry if you all are not satisfied with this but trust me for a few days

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