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Jk - I don't want you to wear these dirty heels. For now sit on the chair and wait until I order a new pair for you . * He said and then putted the other heel down beside the first one and then planted a kiss on yn's left foot like he did on the right one and then got up from his position and then picked her up in his arms and walked towards the couch which was kept there on the side. He putted her body on it*

Jungkook - Give me your phone darling.

Yn- But why?

Jk - Just do it sweetheart .

Yn - Ok babyboy. *She said and handed him her phone. Jk opened the phone which shocked her as it had a password but he knows that , that's impressive, she thought. He opened the phone tab and dialed someone's number. After three rings, that person picked up the call and jungkook start speaking.*

Jk - King speaking, I want you to arrange a new mansion and order 100 black rose plants for it's garden also arrange the cupboard of it with the best and latest collection for me and the queen (yn) also get me a nice black pencil high heels set in size 7. I want the Louis Vuitton Suede Cinched Pearl Platform Heels and for the address just track down the location.*he said and hanged up the call , handing it back to her *

High heels yn was wearing

High heels yn was wearing

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Heel height: 10 cm

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Heel height: 10 cm

Platform height: 3 cm

Sole length (heel to toe): 27 cm

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