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*he shouted in anger and pain*

Jk- I would be really glad if she just didn't. *He mumbled to himself*

Tae- Don't you dare to act over smart until I come back.*he said while putting his gun in the back pocket of his jeans. He doesn't look too much affected from the murder of his mother but still his face hold a little bit of uneasiness. He ordered jungkook and walked out the secret room after locking it down behind himself*

Jungkook - Yn please don't k!ll her like this , she doesn't deserve it. *He said while praying to God for taehyung mother's well beings *

*The whole mansion was covered up by yn's men. There was no one left free beside taehyung who was on the same floor as yn. Jin and jimin were already caught by her men and were brought down to the basement. They were drugged down a little so that they doesn't cause any kind of problems until yn come. Taehyung wasn't even aware about that all while his father was trying to fight the men and get free from their grip as they were trying to drug him down too like others while their men were shooted down. Yn's men had silencers on their guns while they also used knife to avoid any kind of trouble. Soon Taehyung's dad was also drugged down and taken away, same as jin and jimin. Taehyung was walking towards his mother's room in the state of pure panick but as soon as he was about to open the door, someone threw a dagger towards his hand, which got him hissing in pain because it actually left a deep cut on his hand and caused him to bleed out heavily.*

Yn- I never ever thought that a sweet person like you would turn out to be like this but I think people are right when they say that the wrost betrayal comes from the least expecting person and you just proved it down to me. *She said while coming out from the room next to his mother's room. Her hand had another daggers with really sharp blades and is ready to be shooted down on the target. Taehyung smriked a little bit after seeing her.*

Tae- I was not expecting us to re meet like this, I wanted it to be romantic and memorable but what can we do. But still it's nice to see you after so long sweetheart. *He said and started walking towards her with big yet slow steps making her to smrik a little*

Yn- I didn't expect you to act like this but leave it and that's what not I said about us. You are a cheater b@stard and ever step you are taking towards me are taking you closer to your death. *She said with a really evil smile on her face. She was happy and proud on herself for not breaking down infornt of him after meeting him back even when he is the real reason behind all this changes*

Tae- A death so beautiful that I would give up on my everything to die. *He said in a flirty tone and then sweetly putted his hand which was covered in blood on her face as soon as he reached close enough to her*

Yn- I doubt that the second i find this uncomforting , your fingers would be laying down on the floor infornt of my feets because you touched something which is forbidden. *She said with a deadly calm voice*

Tae- So you admit that my touch is comforting to you right now, by the way I would cut my head off if that makes you feel comfortable. *He said while coming a little bit closer to her body but she didn't even moved a bit making him amazed. Her figure was still less in height infornt of him but her aura wasn't normal or sweet, it was dark enough to glup anyone down whenever she lose her calm.*

Yn- Why did you do that? *She asked ignoring everything*

Tae- Do what? *He asked acting dumb while his hand roamed on her face*

Yn- Why did you act like you died? You disappeared and now you are acting like it wasn't even you who did a mistake. You practically cheated me and destroyed me.*she said while looking at his face. Her clam behaviour was very unexpected*

Yn *continued* - You planned everything taehyung, You made me a monster . Why did you do it all? You didn't even care about me , about our kids .*she asked as tears filled up in her eyes*

Tae- I planned it for us yn.  I never wanted to leave you like this but I had to in order to get  revenge from him but not in an easy way. I am sorry babe. *He said while wipping off her tears. He hugged her while she hugged him back*

Yn to herself - And I need to do it for myself darling and don't worry, I will make sure that it HURTS.
*She said as she hugged him back with a smrik on her face.*

*After sometime tae got away from her body and broke the hug. He looked at her and then asked*

Tae- Now stop crying and please forgive me.  *He said and cupped her face in his big hands softly even after having a really heavy bleeding from his left hand*

Yn- You love me? *She asked softly with tears in her eyes*

Tae- Beleive me yn I do and I did it all for us babe. I could never think of leaving you or using you.*he said and planted a kiss on her eyes*

Yn- Really, Are you saying the truth? *She asked innocently*

Tae- Yes yn I am telling you the truth.  You reside in my heart and I can do everything to prove it.*he said and planted a kiss on her forehead*

1.1k+ words complete
So what do you all think about the whole situation
Vote for next part and the offer is still over 7 votes in 30 minutes and i will update in the day time tommorow 😚
Thanks for your support and lovely comments
I love you all
To be continued
Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself
Wish me all the best for my test 🥲
I hope that you all are doing well
By by darlings and sweethearts.

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