33 (the end?)

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A gift for you all as it's 10th anniversary of bts

*don't read this if you can't tolerate with the character's death. It's just a ff and nothing is true here*

*khu and tae was shouting like crazy over Sia but in some seconds the whole mansion was full with gunshots sounds. Those bodyguards left khu and taehyung and start fighting with the other person's men who just entered now. Sia has also fighting with them while khu also joined her but taehyung rushed upstairs only to find a girl's death body which was covered with blood but her head was not there. He looked at that body and his mind was messed up after seeing that her clothes are same as what yn was wearing earlier. He broke down in tears and sat on his knees while crying bitterl. Soon some guys enter the room and then they were fighting with him but he was not showing any moment but just then khu enter the room and shoot them to death*

Khu- Taehyung listen jungkook has arrived here so let's run away from here or he will k!ll us and Sia's 3/4 bodyguards are dead by now so we should go and run away from here. Let's go.*she hold his hand to run away from there but he was not moving from his place. She look at his face and find out that he was crying*

Tae- Yn is there and now there's no need for me to live my life anymore. I don't care even if they kill me. You can go from here but I am not coming with you.*he said more like a wishper to her but she sigh sadly as her eyes fall on a body which was laying beside the bed on the floor and was beheaded, she noticed those clothes yet she look at him for the last time and said*

Khu- don't you want to take revenge of your yn's and your baby's death?
*She asked him*

Tae- I don't want to live anymore and there is no need for me in this world after her. That word revenge is a disaster to my life. *He said to her but the next second her eyes again fall on that body and she ran to it with eyes full of happiness*

Khu- Taehyung she is not yn.
*Khu said and tae look at her with shock and ran towards her but just then jungkook's men was in the room so both of them jump off the window and start running as taehyung got to know that yn is alive then how can he die*

*Tae and khu was running for almost 1 hour now around the forest and jungkook's men was following them. After running for some more minutes they reached a place from where they can't go anywhere as there's a river going down but the height is not a joke.*

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*They were about to run in other direction but just then there were surrounded by many men and in a couple of seconds jungkook was also there

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*They were about to run in other direction but just then there were surrounded by many men and in a couple of seconds jungkook was also there. His eyes was full of rage and he was looking like he would eat every alive. Khu start stepping backward as he start taking his step towards them*

Jungkook - Where the h€ll is she? *He asked while glaring at them*

Khu- Wh-o are you talki-ng abo-ut?*shuttering badly*

Jungkook -Tell me or you will lose your life. *He said while glaring at her*

Khu- Sh-e... She is dea-d. *Khu said and in just couple of seconds a bullet hit her on her right hand which made her lose her balance and she was about to fall down from the top but taehyung fastly hold her hand to save her*

Tae - How can you fire your bullet on an armless woman jungkook.*he shouted, not because he cared about khu but because he was now confused about yn. Is she alive or dead*

Jungkook - What happen my dearest Hyung? Are you in love with this $lut now, huh? *He said and walk towards them trying to ignore the fact that yn is dead by now. He was trying to distract his mind as he could not accept the death of her love or obession or whatever it is*

*Jungkook reached them and just then he start punching him badly meanwhile his men hold khu. Taehyung was also punching him back with same speed and strength but just then an evil thing popped up in jungkook's mind making him smrik*

Jungkook - Fπ¢k this $lut without any mercy.*he order his men while fighting with taehyung which made taehyung's and khu's eyes widen in shock. She start struggling to get free from them but they hold her hands and made her lay on the ground forcefully. Her hands and legs were caught by Jungkook's men and just when a man of him was about to touch her taehyung shouted*

Tae- Touch her and you will see what I can do.*he said angrily and those men trumbled by his voice and step back from her body as they know that kim taehyung is the most heartless person when he is angry*

Jungkook - Do it and it's my order or I will chop off your tiny d!©ks and fed them to my dogs.*he said while punching taehyung*

Tae- What do you want jk? *He shouted as he can't let any woman's pride get ruined infront of him like this*

Jk- I want yn. *He said glaring at him*

Khu- Sh-e... She is de-ad.*she managed to say as she was struggling to get free from those men but her words made jungkook's eyes to turn red in anger*

Jungkook - When she is dead then why are you alive $lut? Throw her off right now.*he order his men and they did what he said, a loud voice was heard as she feel of the height*

Tae- How could you be this heartless jungkook?*he said while still beating the shit out of jungkook and jk was doing the same*

Jungkook - You would die a wrost death and then you will get to know how ruthless I am. *He said but just then both of them was on the edge of the mountain and taehyung was about to fall down because of jungkook's punch but jungkook hold on his hand to pull him up but tae let it go and fall down. Jungkook cursed at himself as he wanted to k!ll taehyung in a brutal way for snatching yn away from him but this death seem easy to jungkook for taehyung.*

Jk- I want to know where yn is right now. *He said to himself but just then a man come infront of him and said*

Man- Boss actually we found a beheaded death body in khu's house and....*in a few seconds he was laying dead on the spot as bullet hit his head*

Jk- I don't want to hear any bad news about my princess. She can't die. She can't leave me. She loves me and i love her. Go find her at any cost. Just go.

*he shouted and said and all of his men bowed to him in fear and went to find about yn which is literally dead but jk is not ready to accept this.*

Is this the end???........

80 votes for next part

Read the next part which is full of some deep meaning lines.............

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