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*In the last part*

Jhope- How???? *He said to himself*

*Real yn look at his face which was looking pale now. She got confuse after seeing this reaction on his face yet she call him in a low voice to gain his attention*

Real yn or Jung Soo Ae - Oppa??*he look at her face and then come back to his sense and nodded his head while mumbling a small okay*

Jhope- Okay...*he said and then both of them went towards the direction where that handsome man and beautiful lady was standing. Jhope was talking slow steps more like he is going to face his nightmare. He was looking stressed after seeing them here which was not noticed by real yn or Jung Soo Ae. She was walking towards them and just in some couples of seconds they reached there. Jhope was about to speak a word but just then that woman said which made yn's eyes to went wide in shock*

??- What are you doing here brother?
*She look at jhope and then back at that lady. Yn was confused about what is happening here. She took a deep breath and then look at jhope with a demanding look on her face for explanation about this situation*

Jhope- Nothing I came here to company my sister Jung Soo Ae .*he said to that girl*

??- Oh by the way it's nice to meet you  my dear sister. I am kim moon. *She said and forward her hand towards yn which yn gladly accepted and they both shake there hands*

Moon- Meet him, he is my elder brother aka Kim namjoon. *She said and yn nodded and forward her hand to shake it with him*

Yn- Hello sir, my name is Jung Soo Ae and I am the younger sister of Jung Hoseok. *She said with a smile which that guy gladly returned but just then all of them were excused by a guy who was in whole black just like she saw a few minutes earlier. That guy came to them and stand beside Moon and Namjoon. He look towards yn and then towards jhope for explanation about who she is and just then moon again interrupted them by introducing them to eachother*

Moon- So, Soo - Ae, this is my eldest brother aka Kim Seokjin and Jin she is the younger sister of Jung Hoseok which means she is also like our younger sister. *She said flashing smile to him which he also flashed towards yn and said*

Seokjin - Hello Soo Ae as my younger sister told you, I am kim Seokjin and if you want then you can call me jin oppa in short. *He said and patted her head with brotherly affection which she gladly accepted while smiling*

*After talking to eachother for sometime yn or Soo Ae went towards the washroom by excusing herself from them*

Yn's or soo ae's pov - Kim Seokjin look alike taehyung from the back. She said after taking glances at his body. It was kinda more stronger than taehyung but she thought that maybe because of the distance she just assumed that he is taehyung and after all he is wearing the same outfit and all the things are same yet something in her heart is saying that she is not understanding the situation well yet she shurged off everything and went in the washroom and start talking with her team through the small ear piece which was hiden till now beside her beautiful black straight hairs.*

On the other hand........

Moon - I want an explanation jhope.
*She said as she was pissed by him approaching them with his fake sister aka Jung Soo Ae*

Jhope- She asked for it so what could I do at that time? She is not like a navie girl now. She has changed into a pure devil for her enimes and if I had not approached you all then she must have sent a team to investigate about you and I do not want our secret to open up like this. *He said with a disappointment full in his voice meanwhile all 3 of them took a deep breath and start talking again*

Jin- Jhope you know this clearly that if she get a little suspicious over us then this will lead us to a disaster.*he said looking at his surrounding trying to behave like they are having normal talks*

Rm- hyung is right jhope and all just we know that she is the real yn and if by any chance jungkook got the glimpse of this then he will not leave her this easily and after so much struggles we are here to take revenge of the death of our younger brother and we do not want to risk it at all. We have waited for f_cking four years just because we never wants yn to get hurt in between but now when we are at our last stage why are you not being careful enough around her?
*He said being a little disappointed by jhope as they never wanted yn to come to them and talk in an open area and also when it's the place of the devil aka Jeon Jungkook. They can never risk it off on her life.... Never.*

Jhope- Don't worry about this for now because I will make sure to keep her away from you all and your real identities.*he said looking at them trying to assure them that he will take care of this mess and everything will be fine*

Moon- Still we need to be more careful then before and after all we can't let her know about our secret now or her feelings will take best of her and she will never fight against jungkook, as far as i know she is so sweet and navie just like an angel but it's not what she should be like in this crule world. I want her to become the devil so that she can save herself and fight against others. *She said while everyone nodded there heads in yes but just then another voice interrupted them*

??- Oh so I was right.....?*all of them look in that voice's direction and got shocked after seeing that person*

Who is this person?
Any guess?
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Is the story confusing? And if it is then I will be leaving a summary in the last from now on so just let me know.
By everyone..... take care...... see you all..... in the next part.

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