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Doctor - If she continues to be in this condition then it will not take her body to get paralysis or maybe she will die.
*Jungkook hold his gun towards that doctor's forehead and speak*

Jungkook - don't you dare to say like this about her. She will be fine and her condition will get better soon.

Jimin- Out the fucking gun down jungkook.*he said while passing him death glares as the lady doctor was looking afraid to death now. Her face was pale and body was trembling*

Jk- she did say that my yn will get into bad conditions.*he answered jimin with a deep voice full of anger*

Jimin- *sigh* She just said but you are the reason behind this all. You should let her go you are making her suffer like a living hell. Now put your gun down or I will have to snatch it away.
*Cold voice*

*Jungkook still didn't listen to jimin and keep on standing like this*

Jimin- doctor you can take your leave. I will send your payment in your account. And if there is anything else you want to tell us about her condition then please go ahead.

Doctor - it's hard for her to recover here. You should shift her in hospital because there will be nurses to take care of her and look after her while in here she is looking like a dead body.*glup as jungkook gave her dark stare on her words*

Jimin- what about the medicines?

Doctor - changing the surrounding is the only thing which can cure her. No medicine is going to work if she stay in a place like this. You should shift her around a place where she can found natural beauty or nature in simple words. She need to be out of this place and this too, soon.

Jimin- thanks for your prescription doctor and I will change her surroundings soon but still can you provide me the name of any medicine which can help her to recover fastly?

Doctor - yeah I can provide you some medicines but they will not help her out if she will be not willing to do anything or live her life. She is refusing to do anything. Her body is looking so helpless. Now come with me Mr Park I will provide you the list and buy it for her and give her food on time take her out of this place or at least after in a room whose theme is light or if you can do then please pick a room with some shiny lights , walls , curtains which should be of white or cream colour. In this condition surrounding matters a lot. Don't shout on her or raise your voice in front of her. This could light her to mental damage or unstability. She is in a condition in which her body is fighting with many problems at a young age and also she is having a l...
*Cutted off by jimin*

Jimin- I got your doctor so now let's go.* He said and took her to room*

Jungkook - I would not let her leave me like this. She is mine and she has to live with me for whole life. No one can snatcher away from me not even death. She can't die without my permission.
*He mumbled to himself*

*In the room*

Jimin- Please don't let anyone know that she is pregnant or he will kill her baby with her.*he said in almost pleading tone while the doctor nodded her head in yes agreeing with him while jimin got a smile on his face*

Author's POV- now she is shifted in a vip hospital with the tight security so she can't run away. 24/7 jimin would be there for her and look after her. After that day jk has not came close to her when she is awake. He would come when she would be sleeping. He would admire are sleeping peacefully but sometimes notice her mumbling some words which would break his heart again and again and those are the name of tae aka his favourite Hyung but  now he is his biggest enemy. Jk had been beating him from a long time but he is not speaking anything. He had serged for his mother ( taehyung's sister) aka his fake mother for moreover like a mad person but nothing is working at all.
Today yn is going to get shifted in jungkook's new mansion which has light theme but that mansion is in forest. It looks like a palace because of the surroundings.*

Jk's pov- now I am sending outside the room in which YN is admitted. I am happy that atleast her health is getting a bit better and she is also gaining some weight. I wanted to put camera for her in the room but jimin didn't let me do that. After taking deep breaths I enter the room. She was sitting on the bed in a cute foral frock which was making her look elegant.

 She was sitting on the bed in a cute foral frock which was making her look elegant

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*Her dress*

Jk's POV- after hearing the voice of door opening she look at my direction and I start to become theory which made me feel sharp pain in my heart. I start to take slow steps towards her direction while she was tightening her grip on the bed. After a few steps I was standing in front of her but she was looking down and tears were falling off from her beautiful eyes. I stayed silent for some seconds and was just about to say something but she cut me of saying......

Yn- Ple-ase let my tae go.*more like a wishper but Jungkook was able to hear it*

Jungkook - I don't want you to take his name from your mouth now stand up we are going back to our house and jimin is waiting for us outside the hospital. So let's go and don't try to be over smart or I will shoot taehyung to death and you know that I don't lie.
*He said in a warning tone while yn just shake her had brutally while tears were falling down from her eyes*

Yn-I wi-ll o-bey y-ou but plea-se don't do any-thing to him.

Jk- I will not do anything I promise.
*He said while wiping her tears by his thumb*

Jk- now let's go I don't want you to stay here anymore. *They both left*



yn- Please let him go, please. I promise that I will o-bey y-ou.

yn- Let me go or he will die. leave my hand please.

yn- Oppa please save him.*crying*


Author's pov - sorry for late updates because you are author is deadly sick and was hospitalised so she need it some time.

Author's pov - sorry for late updates because you are author is deadly sick and was hospitalised so she need it some time

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I will try to update on time from now on. Take care of yourself all of you. Good night and have a great dream.
By love you so much
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