81- The end 💞

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Yn- Why the black roses jk?

Jk- Do you know that black roses doesn't grow this way natural? *She nodded her head in yes and he continued *

Jk- They are usually made by a red or maroon rose turing into dark colour and it also happens with the purple rose.

Jk- They are usually made by a red or maroon rose turing into dark colour and it also happens with the purple rose

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Yn- hmm and then ?

Jk- So when the rose is in it's starting like the beginning stage , it's usually red or purple so let's go for red first. When I grow a red rose and wait for it to grow up into a dark maroon rose so that it would look like a black one , is because when it's red it represents my love, my passion and my loyalty towards them and their mother which is you. When it gets darker and changes into maroon that's where it represents my love getting deeper and stronger for you. When it goes on for some more time and it gets even darker it represents that how insane I am about my love and feelings for you that everything other than your love looks useless. When it's on the last stage and gets the darkest and starts resembling the death which is the last level of love. I love you more than death and i could only have for myself in my next life that's what I thought and that's the same thing black rose represents. It represents death yet also  Signify a rebirth or a major change, black roses are known to represent optimism and hope. It's does also have a big role in the obsessive field . You are my love, my obession and even the reason why I choose death. It's so complicated but easy too. It's just about how i actually feel.  I am in love with you, I got obessed, I fall harder , I fall deeper and then now i am on that point that I will choose death if by any chance I will get you in my next life. *He said and looked at yn who was looking at him with so much pain and love in her eyes*

Yn- Doesn't black rose represents the end? *She asked him while walking towards him*

Jk- Yes it does and that's what attracted me the most. I knew that you would come to k!ll me. I knew that i would not be able to solve the misunderstandings and I even knew that my death will be the key for your freedom, freedom of a queen who is left alone on the peak of a mountain made up of promises and hatred. I knew that the way of you getting down will only open when I am not alive anymore so that's why I thought to tell your kids about how hard it is for you to stay away from them and how strong you are. I told them about everyone. A story which is the biggest part of their life. *He said as a tear slipped off from his eye*

Yn- And who is that poor boy, taehi and taeji were talking and asking about? *She asked as she wiped it off from his cheeks*

Jk- That's me. A poor boy who never got love to start with. I had no family but then got adopted by moon only to end up as the reason of her death, i practically k!lled her . I fall in love with you only to end up making you feel like a dead person by k!lling your love. I then started liking your kids and start loving them as their father only to find out that I am the reason why they don't have their mother with them. I am so poor that even if someone hand over me the crown of the whole world , I would still be left back with nothing. Money never settle down for you. It's love which does. If you have parents then they will stay at your back when you need them. If you have a lover then they will support you when you need them. If you have children they will look upto you with adoration as well as love. It's just something which i lack of. I am so bad at these that my wealth feels like a death trap to me. It's all messed while you are a princess. Fighting everything, everyone and still never giving up.

Yn- What about that bad person? Who is that?

Jk- That's me. You had to k!ll me in-order to meet your kids.

Yn- But I k!lled taehyung.

Jk-  You didn't that was me who got him k!lled.

Yn- But i don't regret k!lling him yet k!lling him wasn't even in plan.

Jk- The love for him started to make you feel weak and unable to understand what is right and what is wrong so i had to disclose his real identity infront of you darling but I didn't know that it would get him killed by you. *smrik*

*He smriked but it wasn't a dirty smirk it was like he won his life again*

Yn- That's all ok because your words actually helped me alot but now I think it's time to say good by to all of them.

Jk- Yeah you are right. I will ask my men to get a place for their dead bodied in the cemetery. *He said and was about to call someone but yn stopped him*

Yn- You want me to marry you, right? *He nodded his head in yes*

Yn- Then follow me and ask your men to dig four big hole so that they could get fitted inside.

Jk- You want to dig a grave in our own garden? * She nodded*

Yn- I want to end everything and i don't want to regret it anyhow soon so i want to dig 4 Graves for them and bury their bodies there only to plant a black rose on top of it which resembles the end. Now let's go and get our work done.* They both left from there and reached the garden where Jungkook's men are digging four graves as per yn's wish and jk's order. They were all done in just 30 minutes and then she got all the dead bodies in the hole and filled it up half way through with soil only to plant black roses on the top and then as soon as they were done she smiled and looked at jk with so much love.

Yn- I am ready to marry you Jeon Jungkook. *She said and as soon as these words slipped out from her mouth, he kissed her down infront of everyone yet no one dare to raise their eyes and look at them. They were all happy and excited now. It felt so good and right. Finally they have a hold on what is right and what is not.*

If he wants then he will do anything while if she wants then she will become a devil in disguise for that thing.

The end 🤧👏

Did I do fine?
Ended on 21 - January - 2024
By khushi
Love you all
Thank you so much for loving this book 💖

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