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*At yn's house*

*Someone knocked on the door*

Ym-I will go and open the door.
*She open the door and found jk standing there with some guards She tried to close the door but he push her, making her to fall on the floor and yd come towards the door after hearing to the sound of loúd thub and found ym on the floor. He went towards her and pick her up while jk enter there house with his guards and they start finding something all around the house*

Ym-Why are you here? I signed the contract so now what do you want from me?

Jk-Cool down my soon to be mother in law.*sit on couch*

Ym-What do you mean?*confuse*

Jk-You will get to know it soon but for now call yn downstairs.*demanding voice*

Ym-No we don't want you to meet her.
*She said and just then jk's men came over there*

His mans-Boss there is no one in this house.

Jk-How is this possible? Where is my yn? TELL ME WHERE THE HECK SHE WENT?*shout*

Ym-She is not yours. Now get out from here.*she was behaving brave*

Jk-Do you think that you can hide her from me?*laugh*

Jk-I will get her by hook or crook.

*Just then someone enter the house while dancing happily and jk put on smrik on his face looking at that person*

Jk-Welcome home DEAR BROTHER IN LAW.(yn's step brother and even younger brother)

Ym-What the heck are you waiting for jk now? Get lost from here or we will tell this all to your grandmother.*warning him*

Jk-Then do I don't care but now you have to care for your little angel.*he said pointing his gun towards that little boy*

Jk-Sell yn to me or I will kill your dear son.*smrik and load the gun*

(Ym run towards her son and hug him and said)

Ym-You can take yn with you but don't do anything to my son. We will leave this country tonight and leave yn here. You have to keep on with her by yourself.*jk laugh at her condition*

*Jk went towards her and throw a check on there face*

Jk-Now you have no right on yn so get lost from here in 2 hours or I will have to change my mind.

Yn-Okay we will do whatever you want.

*Just then yn enter the house and saw all the scene infornt of her eyes. She went towards jk and slap him hard on his face making him look at the other side and everyone was stunned to see that but didn't even uttered anything*

Jk-Nice babygurl but let me tell you that now you are my property and your dear family sold you to me.*he touch his cheek and chuckle darkly while yn was just processing but the next moment she found herself in air. Jk picked her up on his shoulder and walk towards a room while ym and yd was standing there looking at everything but didn't do anything and start packing there stuffs*

*On the other hand*

*Jk took yn to a room and throw her on the bed and then walk towards the door to lock it

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*Jk took yn to a room and throw her on the bed and then walk towards the door to lock it. Yn also tried to run away but jk hold her and throw her on the bed again and lock the door behind him while yn was groaning in pain and jk hold her feets and pull her towards himself and Hover above her while pinning her hands forcefully above her head and start talking*

Jk-If you think that you can run away from me then it's all just a imagination of yours beacuse you are a slut and a slut can never run away from her master.

Yn-S-lut.*a tear escape her eyes after listing to him and then she remember that he is the one to blackmail her*

Yn-Yo-u were blackma-iling gg me right? *Jk chuckle at her question*

Jk-You are really smart butstill you are a slut.*he said and tried to kiss her forcefully but yn keep on moving her face here to there making him irritated. He left her hands and hold her chin harshly*

Jk-Keep on with me or I will kill you.*warning her*

(He bite her neck and keep on sucking it till it get totally red but in some seconds a call distrub him making him irritated but her didn't stopped but then again it start ringing so he pick it up while yn was laying on the bed being full traumatized after all this and was so afraid of him as he was threatening her from so long but didn't do anything beacuse of taehyung)

Jk-What the fuck.....*hold his hairs*

Jk-Why did he came this early?*he asked himself after cutting the call*

Jk-Get ready and come with me and don't dare to mess around or you know what I will do with your family and with your dear love.
*he said and letft yn alone crying but she wiped her tears and put some of her clothes in a bag and left with jk for his mansion*

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