79- Smuth 🔞 jk x yn {Happy ending}

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Yn- Count baby boy , count for mommy or you will end up getting smacked infront of your whole empire.* She said and he nodded his head understanding the seriousness while she just smacked his ass again with the belt.*

Jk- *smack* One 
*Smack* two
*Smack* three
*Smack* four
*Smack* five
*Smack* Six.... Ahhh....
*Smack* seven
*Smack* eight
*Smack* nine
*Smack* ten
*Smack* eleven
*Smack* twelve
*Smack* thirteen
*Smack* fourteen
*Smack* fifteen
*Smack* sixteen
*Smack* seventeen
*Smack* eighteen
*Smack* nineteen
*Smack* twenty.

*His ass was red by down but he was still in his position*

Yn- Babyboy you did great but now get up, on your knees, head raised, face towards me. *She ordered and he followed her by sitting on his knees while facing her *

Yn - You look so good like this. Let's make it quick as we don't want our kids to see us like this , right?
* She asked sweetly and then got the belt wrapped up over the electric belt in Jungkook's neck*

Jk- O-our? *He asked feeling happy and excited yet confused while she just nodded and then said*

Yn - I am your mommy and i could not live without my baby boy and as far as i remember.... My babies also loves you so yeah I decided to just keep you for myself. *She said and pulled the belt a little while continuing with*

Yn- Now don't ask questions baby boy and follow your mommy and help her in getting the pleasure she wants.*she said and walked towards taehyung's coffin while holding his belt in her hand and he crawled down beside her like a pet*

Yn- I want you to look at me when I so things I want to . Don't touch yourself okay ? Or i will punish you more harshly this time.

Jk- as you say mommy. *He said and sat on his knees watching the show. Yn went on the coffin and then bent on it by putting her one hand on it and then one leg in order to flash her ass to jk for teasing. She soon got a hold on her lower clothes and threw them away as fast as she can. She moved her shirt only to be left naked. She then faced jk and sat down on the edge of the coffin while sucking her middle finger.*

Yn- I want you to stay clam when i pleasure myself.* She said and then putted it on her nipples making them get covered with her saliva. She starts playing with them and moaning out making jk feel so hard down there for her. He wants to go and just slam her down on the coffin when he take her roughly but he still try to control his inner self and sat there lisentning to her seducing moans. It went on for a few minutes and after that she got up and bend down on the coffin while spreading her legs wide open making jk to see her kitty in 4k. She starts shaking her ass while moaning in low voice. Jk couldn't control more so he get the belt off from his neck and went towards yn. He has a belt in one hand while her hairs in another. In just seconds, his hard disk was inside yn's pussy making her feel extremely sensitive. It felt so good while bending over like that and that too on someone's grave or coffin who used you to destory someone else. *

Yn- I-i warn-ed you b-babyboy . *she shuttered out words because of his hard thrusts*

Jk- Yeah but *thrust* How *thrust* can *thrust* I *thrust* let *thrust* my *thrust* mommy *thrust*  suffer *thrust* in order *thrust* to *thrust* get *thrust* pleasure *thrust* when *thrust*  I *thrust* am *thrust* capable *thrust* enough *thrust*.

*He said each word with one thrust. Yn's body was falling onto the coffin whenever he pushes himself in after taking almost every inch of himself out from her core only to push it back with more power. It felt so good that yn was scratching the coffin in pleasure and screaming on top of her lungs *

Yn- J-jungkook, rig-ht there. *She moaned out as soon as he hitted her g-spot. It felt like heaven to her. While jk just stopped and then got a hold on both of her hands tieing them beside her back with the belt and then again start thrusting himself in her making her cry out in pleasure. She was screaming and crying yet asking for more. She was bent over at 45 degrees. Her legs were wide open for jk while her ass was getting hit by his hands in between. She looked so tired in just half an hour. Her legs starts shaking as soon as she felt that she is close. *

Yn- J-jk i... I am close. I.. I am sensitive. *She moaned*

Yn- Ahh... Ummhh... I gon-na cum. *She shouted only to get a smack on her right hip. He hold her neck from the free hand after hitting her ass. He got her body straight and then said while pushing himself more into her*

Jk- Just wait for me mommy I am almost there and don't you dare to cum or I will stay again and this time you will he riding me when I sit over this coffin. *He ordered which she accepted while being a whole mess. Soon enough he got close and they cummed right before the coffin. Yn even squirted. It felt like some animals were on heat and choose to make out in the funeral ceremony hall. She looked down and then looked at jk who was moving slowly inside her maybe trying to get her ready for another round but yn just passed a smile and asked jk to carry her out before her kids come to meet them which he did and now they both were getting a bath seperately and after taking a bath they got ready while jk just ordered one of his man to clean up the funeral area.*

To be continued
I don't know why but i feel so stressed
I couldn't sleep and now it's almost the time when I wake up.
I felt so bad about my studies
Bro even after getting good marks i feel so guilty.
I hope that i could actually study seriously before boards
I love you all
This is going to end in 2 more parts
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