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Jhope- We did found but his DEAD BODY.

Yn- What the hell are you saying? Are you out of your mind? How could it be possible? Are you even sure about that body being jimin's?

Jhope - We are going to take that dead body for blood test and then we will get the confirmation but by those tattoos on his body and also the clothes, I feel like he is our J-Jimin.*he said shuttering in the last while explaining her about the situation.*

Yn- Give me the details of the hospital, I am going to check it myself.*she said to jhope trying her best not to break down into tears.*

Jhope - Sure, i am sending you the location with pictures of this dead body.*she cutted down the call and rubbed her forehead in order to clam herself down but her whole life was on a stop because of this news. She never thought that she would loose someone close like jimin after getting this much powerful. She thought that her power and strength would be enough to guard her family but it seems wrong right now. Her kid's thought just hit her off. Where are they now? Are they safe or not? Did someone planned this to get her attention from her kids ? Fuck, her mind is messed up with all these kind of thoughts. She bite her inner cheek in irrigation and then told the driver to drive off to the hospital.*

*She reached there only to find jhope with his men waiting for her, fully armed.*

Yn-What happened with the body? How he got k!lled ? Any information?

*She asked jhope only to get a no in response*

Yn- Where is my kids?*she asked after a 2 minutes pause*

Jhope- Only jimin know about the address.
*He said in a sad tone*

Yn- Get your hand over the k!ller until I look forward for my kids and also if the body isn't of jimin then make sure to get the whole discription from the doctor about how this man was k!lled so I could k!ll that b@stard in the same way. Am I clear?

*she asked her man*

Man-Yes queen.

Yn-Good , oppa come with me. I want to examine the body myself.
*She said making jhope to nod his head in yes before walking towards the hospital. Soon she reached the ward and doctor took her towards the room where the body was laying on the bed. It was almost burnt , just some body parts could be actually recognised. She looked all over his body trying to control her tears but then something caught her eyes, there was a little tattoo which was almost burnt because of the burnt area. She looked closely only to get another shock.*

Yn- No it can't be possible.*she said as her breathing got uneven.*

Jhope- What happened yn? Are you okay? *Yn was about to fall on the floor but jhope was fast enough to catch her. She hold his hand crying really hard while looking at the body.*

Jhope- Yn please don't cry, try to control yourself yn. *Yn stand on her own trying to hold herself back and said*

Yn- It's not jimin's body.*she said and everyone started getting happy after hearing it but yn was still trying to control herself. Jhope saw it and asked her*

Jhope- How can you say it so confidently yn? This body is almost like him and also why are you crying when it's not jimin's body?

Yn- B-ecause it's Kai dead body.*she said crying hardly. She always saw him as her brother and he was with her from the childhood. They grew up together and enjoyed everything together only to end up like this. She again start crying hardly but it was almost like she couldn't believe what she is seeing infornt of her eyes. She wants this to be a bad dream. Kai was the only person who never did anything wrong with her and supported her in everything from the start without asking for anything in return. It was like her world fall apart after seeing his dead body laying on the bed infront of her and also in this bad condition. Her blood was Boling while thinking about the person who had did it with him.*

Yn- I will k!ll that b@stard in the wrost way possible.*she said and wipe her tears off*

Jhope- But kai?? How can this be possible? *He asked getting confused*

Yn- I don't know about how it happened but I know one thing clearly and that's that this dead body is of kai because I myself choosed this tattoo for him as a dare and this is the same tattoo. Also this tattoo is not something common because it's my own signature tattoo. Now I will get everything done by 48 hours and if I could not then I will leave this mafia world. Also don't arrange his funeral until I don't k!ll his
k!ller.*She said and walked out leaving everything beside*

*Yn draw off to her headquarter and ordered her army to get into active mode for 48 hours to work day and night.*

*A man came running to her*

Man- Queen we got an important information from the doctors.

Yn- Go ahead.

Man-  Queen lily is in coma right now and doctor said that someone gave her paralyzing drugs with poison and the antidote for it is only owned by some people and one of them was kai sir. 

*Yn was shocked but didn't show it on her face and nodded her head before saying*

Yn- Get antidote at any cost in 1 hour and give it to lily. Now leave.

*Her man left from there after bowing to her*

Yn - Whomever is behind this all will die a really miserable death from my hands. *She said to herself*

Yn-  Check every single camera and hack down the system of kai's house and office.

Who k!lled whom?
*Is this story messed up??*

1.05k+ words
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