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* in Lisa's room*

Lisa- Gurl seems like you had the best time with my oppa huh.....*teasing yn*

Yn- Yah don't be like that lisa. I am feeling like whole body is crushed up and even that's your mistake. You made me do it and now I am not even able to feel my legs. It's feeling like someone stabbed my lower abdomen hardly. *Yn said while massaging her stomach trying to reduce the pain*

Lisa- Wait I will come back with a hot water pouch till then don't you dare to come out of the room in this messed up situation.*lisa said to yn and left from there*

Yn- Oh god...I will die from this pain.

_in kitchen _

Jimin- Cutie is everything okay? *Jimin asked lisa who was looking a bit tensed while boiling water*

Lisa- Yes oppa I am fine.*sweet smile*

Jimin-Where is your little friend?*he asked lisa while ruffling her hair smiling sweetly*

Lisa- She is in my room but why are you asking about it oppa?

Jimin- Oh.... Sweetie I was just wondering because I didn't saw her from last night btw you both were looking like angles last night.*he said and lisa smile genuinely*

Lisa-Thank you oppa.

Jimin-Most welcome Cutie.*he walk towards the freezer and take out a beer bottle*

Lisa-Oppa are you going to drink again? I saw you drinking alot last night and even it's early morning you should not drink right now.*she said looking at him with a sad and concerned pout*

Jimin- Actually I just feel addicted to this and don't worry cutie you oppa will not be drunk or sick. You know na that I am strong man so don't worry. *He said sweetly but lisa walk towards him and snatch the bottle away from his hands*

Lisa-Oppa sorry but you can't drink in early morning.*she said and walk towards the freezer and put it back*

Jimin-Ahh... Why did you do that cutie.*he again walk towards the freezer to take the beer bottle again but this time lisa stand infornt of the freezer stoping him from opening the freezer*

Lisa-No means no oppa.*she said and cross her hands infront of her chest*

Jimin-Pleassssssueeeeeeee........ (Please) *lisa just move her head in no*

Jimin-But I wanna drink a bit.*he said pouting his lips while lisa lick her lips looking at his one but jimin didn't notice that*

Lisa-Nope oppa you are not allowed to drink in this early morning.*they both keep on fight for 20 minutes but just then the water start to boil badly as it was on gas from a long time*

Lisa-Fuckkkkk I messed up.*she went towards the gas stove and turn it off*

Jimin-Be careful cutie or you will get hurt from this.*he said while walking towards her*

Lisa-Oppa can you help me in feeling the hot water in pouch......?*pout*

Jimin-Sure cutie.*he smile genuinely and help her after this both of them went towards Lisa's room and was about to enter while reality hit lisa that yn's body is totally covered with dark purple hickeys and buries and if jimin saw it then it will surely become a scene or maybe a big problem so she just smile and stop jimin from entering the room*

Lisa-Oppa.... Actually I am on my red days so can you bring me some chocolates and pain killers . I ran out of them and I am not in the condition to go and buy them by myself so can you please do it for? Pleaswwwee....
*Puppy eyes with a cute pout*

Jimin-Sure cutie, you should have told me earlier you are like my little sister so you don't need to show those puppy eyes to me for something oka.....*he said and ruffle her hair before leaving from there after giving her a little gentle squeeze on her left cheek*

Lisa- little sister.....*sad voice*

*She enter the room and found yn in wet hairs means she just took a bath. Yn was putting on makeup on her hickeys and buries while sitting infront of the table*

Lisa-Take this.*she said passing her the hot water pouch earning a death glare from her*

Lisa-Yah what with that look?

Yn-it's been 1 hour lisa and now you are giving me that.*she said angrily*

Yn-I even took a bath.*lisa just laugh nervously and snatch the back of her neck*

Lisa-Actually........ I am sorry.*she said and sat on the bed*



Lisa-Did oppa use protection?

Yn-Yah you unholy brat shut your mouth.*she yell at her question*

Lisa-Yah don't behave like this. I am asking a important question babe.

Yn-Oh really is that an important question?

Lisa-Yes that is deadly important...

Yn-How? I don't think so.

Lisa-What if you get pregnant and all........?*yn again give her a death glare*

Yn-nothing gonna happen from once and............... Nope he didn't use any pr-otection.*lisa went towards her and put her hands on her shoulder*

Lisa-Yn it's time to excute our plan

Yn-But lisa what if tae doesn't accept me and just ignore all this saying it all a lie.*worried*

Lisa-I Know my oppa will never deny it and even he is deadly in love with you gurl you should be happy for getting someone like that and even you are not going to lie. Tae oppa devour you in real so don't get worried about this all and the second thing is that it's the only way to escape from this hell yn. If you wanna get free from here than you have to take step for this.*yn look at lisa and then think of something for something and after that she just nodded her head in yes slowly but she was feeling hurt in her heart. It was looking like a big deal to do for her*

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