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?? - Yn you are only mine and i am going to get you at any cost.*he said and took jimin's unconscious body towards his car and took him to his mansion*

*On the other side in Jungkook's mansion*

Jhope- Yn you need to go from here. *He said calmly to her while rotating his wine glass making her pissed off because it was not in her dictionary now to back off at any cost*

Yn- I am not going anywhere oppa.*she told him passing death glare with a cold yet calm voice*

Jhope-Jimin is in danger.*he said after taking a sigh looking at yn who has lost her real lovely self in this all*

Yn -Why what happened to him? Is he ok?*she asked being worried but jhope nodded his head in yes making her feel relief*

Jhope- He is fine for now but I can't say anything about the future because someone tried to kill him by setting a bomb in his car but thank God he was out of the car by that time.*he said moving the glass of wine in circular motion*

Jhope- jimin said that he want us to get back to the mansion and then we will carry on our second plan so that's why you should leave first.*he said while yn nodded her head understanding the situation*

Yn-I am leaving for now but i wouldn't back off from our mission.*she said making jhope to nod his head agreeing with her words.*

Jhope- It's your revenge so why would we stop you from getting it done by your own hands.*she nodded her head coldly and walk outside before whispering in his ear to share her the location where that incident happen and jhope calmly forwarded it to her.*

Yn- Is he still there? *She texted him after exiting the mansion totally*

Jhope - Yeah, you should go to get him because I don't believe any men of mine right now. *He texted her back*

Yn- Okay oppa i will go there. By see you all at the mansion.*she texted him and put down her mobile*

*After driving for almost half an hour she reached there and start looking here and there to find any trase of jimin or his car. Like seriously anything but nothing could be seen there so she thought to drive a little bit more and find him there. She was about to move on to look forward but something or in simple words someone catch her eyes. There was a guy who was smoking there while there was more over like 6-7 cars which could been seen but they were standing far away from where she was right now. She thought that maybe jimin called his men and thought to drive towards those car. She went there in just some minutes because of how fast she drove her car. She opened the door of her car and get out of it gaining everyone's attention who was present there. She look at them and it hitted her when they look at her like she is some kind of snacks. She still choose to ignore them and walk towards the centre were the burnt car was present in a very horrible condition. She look again at them only to see them checking her out from head to toe. She balled her hand making a fist trying to get calm. She took a deep breath and start talking in her deep dangerous voice which was extremely cold and her gaze almost turned dark because of these men around her. Her aura was screaming danger by now.*

Yn- Where is jimin? *She asked them in the most cold voice but all the men look at each other confused about what to say*

Yn- I don't have time for your sh;t you all garbage bags , answer my question before I shoot you all down dead here.*she said being totally irritated from their silent.*

?? - Did boss sent you here to look for jimin? *One of them asked her while walking towards her with a dirty smrik on his face*

Yn- B@stard I am the boss so why would your boss send me and also I am asking you something, where is jimin? *She asked again while bringing her hand towards her back after seeing a man walking towards her with dirty intensions*

??- Are you serious darling? *He said laughing at her statement making her more pissed off from before*

Yn- You dare to call me darling from your mouth which is drity than the gutter, you b@stard.*she said and in a second that man was laying on the ground with a bullet in his leg infornt of her foots with a loud gun shot voice. This action of her's took everyone off guard. They all got there guns pointed at her in a second and was ready to shoot her down but before anyone could do anything she got them down on their knees with bullets in their leg. Yn laughed at their situation and went to that man who was laying infornt of her foots.She hold his collar and punch him on his nose making it to break down and a stream of blood to pop out with his loud scream. All of them were terrified by now from her. She keep on hitting his nose until she could feel it get disattached for his skull. She standed up after giving him a final kick on his face and then start talking to them. She looked all of them , only to find them busy in getting the hold of their bleeding legs but they could do nothing to help themselves.*

Yn- Who is your boss tell me fastly or this time I am going to shot you all in your head.*she said while picking up everyone's gun which was fallen on the group but a little far from where they were laying. All of them were losing their sense but one of them answered her.*

??- J-Jeon jun-gkook. *He said struggling with his pain which was getting wrost every second*

Yn- Jeon Jungkook you will die soon by my hands but first these rats of your's will be k!lled brutally by me.*she said more like a physco k!ller and then went towards her car to get something out from it but her words terrified those men who were laying on the ground trying to get up and run away to save their lives but unexpectedly they couldn't do anything because of just one bullet in their legs which was unreal to them as they could not even control the pain and things were just getting wrost. Her bullet was not normal one after all. She had those bullets with paralyzing drug mixed up, which she asked to get prepared specially for this mission and seems like it worked too good. She came back with a bag of black colour and then look at all of them with a smrik on her face. She went towards the guy who tried to get closer to her and kick him again in his stomach, making him to vomit blood on the ground. She laughed at that scene but just then something creepy got into her mind.*

Yn- What will happen if I kill all of you in that sea b@stards. *She said looking at them with a psychopathic smrik on her face making all of them to beg for their lives but does  she  even care? Hell no she doesn't. She went towards her car and come back with some ropes in her hands. She went towards every man and tied his leg with that rope. She keep on doing it untill all the men's legs were tied with those ropes. She used 5 roped for it and after she was done she went towards her car and drove it there and then got down from it only to tie those five ropes in the back side of her car. She got done with it and then start driving her car at a high speed. It didn't took seconds for her to get over 100 km/hr speed. She was driving really great while looking at those men being tied and begging for their lives from her. Their's screams were like music to her. She keep on driving for some minutes and after sometime she was finally standing infornt of the sea with her car being all dirty in sandy dust and men's behind her car with almost no clothes on their bodies because of how fast she drove them here to there. She took a deep breath looking at the sea and smiled after saying something*

Yn- Love I am going to k!ll more men of jungkook right in the water more brutally.*she said and went towards those men*

1.5k+ words

Vote for another part

Hey guys how was this one?

I just hope to complete this book soon btw I am going to rejoin my school from 3 so please be patience about the updates ☺️. 

Thank you so much for reading and also thanks for your heart warming words 💖.

I love you all.

Take care


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