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*it's been a week of tae being caged in jungkook's basement. Jungkook has been beating tae a lot but still he didn't said a word. Jimin is also trying to make jk understand that he should let this topic go after all jungkook is nothing in front of taehyung and his family. They will kill him if they get to know that JK has caged tae. On the other hand, yn is trapped in a dark room. She is not eating nor drinking something. Her farigal body is chained to the bed and glucose drips are all on her hand she is leaving on nutrients by injection and some little energy which she is getting by those will glucose bottles. YN has been shouting the name of tae and begging to jungkook to let him go. She is afraid about the fact tae day is getting hurt and she is not able to do anything. She had tried to kill herself.*

*In jungkook's office*

Jimin- jk try to understand the situation. It all will just bring more problems. You should let taehyung go. He is not wrong in any way. She was his sister and if I would had been at his place then i would had done that. You are over reacting.

Jk- I don't want to talk on the topic. If you have something else to talk about then tell me or get out of my office.
*He said with the dark stare*

Jimin - Yn needs a doctor. She has been suffering a lot and if this continued then she will not survive.  we need to consult to a doctor as fast as possible and I am here to take your permission because your guards were not allowing me to enter the room.

*He said this all more like a shouting. He went towards yns room and order the guards to let jimin come and go whenever he wants. After that he went inside to check yn's condition but the scene infornt of him made his heart to feel pain. Yn was all tied up while her body was looking lifeless. She was murmuring something while her eyes were closed. She was surrounded by wires and machines. Her hairs were all messed up while her lips were all dry. She was looking more like a dead body laying on the luxury bed. After entering the room jimin fastly went towards her and start to open all the chains and hug her after freeing her up from them. She didn't respond to his hug but mumbled something which made jimin's heart to ache more.*

Yn-Jimin oppa please save my taehyung.
*she said more like a wishper while jimin just nodded his head in agreeing with her. Jungkook was looking at them and he didn't get what yn said to jimin as it was too low and moreover impossible to listen from any distance. He keep standing there because she would just shout or beg to save taehyung if he went towards her. He was noticing that how close she is to everyone leaving him. She didn't even open her eyes yet she identified that it was jimin.*

Jimin- Yn please eat something or you will die.
*he said while caressing her hairs softly*

Yn- Oppa i-i don't want to die..... I want to become a mother, mother of taehyung's child.
*She wishper again while her tears made way from her eyes, which fall on jimin's coat*

Jimin-Baby you are too young to think this all, first you need to be healthy and fine right. Then eat something or how will you be able to do that huh?
*He choosed words so politely as he knew that jk would treat her more badly if he heard the name of taehyung from her mouth and more over if he got to know that she wants to become the mother of taehyung's child*

Yn- i-i will eat if you promise me 2 things.
*She wishper again softly*

Jimin-What is that princess? I will do whatever you want. Just tell me.
*He said hoping her to wish something other than taehyung's freedom as it's deadly hard and more over impossible to do*

Yn- Save my taehyung and his child.
*She said and put her hand on her belly which made jimin's eyes to went wide in shock. He didn't expected this to be here but still he controled himself and nodded in agreement with whatever she said*

Jimin- I promise Princess.*he said and she open her eyes with a small eyes*

Yn- I will eat food.*she wishper again with her weak voice*

Jimin-Good gurl.*he patted her hairs and ask the maid to bring food tray*

Jimin-Bring light and healthy food for her.*he said and that made bow and left from there while jk was so shocked after seeing this*

Yn- I want to give birth to my baby. You will save my baby right jimin oppa?
*she said sweetly while her hand went towards her belly but jimin held it and stopped her from caressing her belly because jk was present there. He hug her again and whisper in her ears in really low tone so that jk could not hear him*

Jimin- Don't make any mistake if you don't want taehyung and your unborn baby to die, please.
*he show her his soft smile and yn nodded with teary eyes understanding what he meant by that while jk was observing everything silently but just then a bodyguard interrupted them.*

Bodyguard - Boss the doctor is here.

Jk- Let her in fastly.
*he said and bodyguard left after bowing and just then a female doctor enter the room with a suitcase in her hand. She bored in front of both of them and then her eyes fall on a little figure of a beautiful girl who was in the arms of jimin. She was looking lifeless.Her body was pale and gulcose drip were attached to her hands. She went towards the bed and speak in a sweet and tone to YN.*

Doctor- hello I am Sia.
*She look at yn who was just looking down not daring to make eye contact with anyone else*

Sia- sir both of you please get out of the room I need to check her up.
*YN look at jimin with white eyes and start moving her head in no*

Jimin- don't worry princess everything will be fine and don't worry I will be waiting outside the room till then she check you up ok take care of yourself now I have to go. *He left from there while jk also followed him out of the room not wanting her to deny from getting treatment*

Jk- what were you bought talking?

Jimin- there's nothing you should know about what we were talking. I was just making her understand that she should eat or she will get sick. *Cold voice*

Jk- I don't think so that it's only what you told me. Hyung, you know that I don't like  betrayers and liars, right?

Jimin- I don't care if you believe me or not but the thing which I care about is only violence health. If something happened to her then I will not think before hurting you, I swear.
*He gave him a death glare and start waiting for doctor to come out*

*After checkup of 30 minutes the doctor finally came out. She was looking so tensed which made jk and Jimin think negative about yn's condition but the words which she said made both of them forzen on there spot*

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