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Tae- Yes yn I am telling you the truth.  You reside in my heart and I can do everything to prove it.*he said and planted a kiss on her forehead*

Yn- And what if you are lieing? *She asked blinking her eyes innocently with so much emotions in them*

Tae- just believe me darling I am not lying to you. Do you want me to prove it?*he asked sweetly while his hands slided down towards her waist holding her like she is made up of feathers*

Yn- I believe you but I want you to prove it to me.*she said and moved her hands in his soft silky hairs. It felt like heaven to him and he was ready to do anything in order to win her trust back*

Tae- Tell me what can I do to prove it to you? What do you want me to do in order to gain your trust back and make you believe that I can do anything for you. *He asked softly from her *

Yn- I want you to do three things. *She said softly to him with a small kiss on his cheeks*

Tae- And what are they darling? *He asked with so much love in his voice*

Yn- Don't lie to me or I will k!ll you without any delay. *She said softly and putted her hands around his neck { she still has the dagger in one of her hand and she was using one hand when she moved her hand in his hairs } . Her voice was calm and full of love but her eyes showed the seriousness she had about in her mind about what she just said and also the position of the dagger which was practically on the back of his neck and could k!ll him any time she wants. He smiled a little after seeing this all.*

Tae- You are turning me on sweetheart. *He said and then continued with* tell me what are those things.

Yn- first, is it true that.....You abducted jungkook and practically saved him from the bomb blast , right? *She asked and pressed the dagger a little on the back of his neck in order to make him realise that she is not joking about the killing part while he just giggled and nodded his head in yes*

Tae- I had some things to sort out with him so that's why I had to save him from that attack of yours. I am really sorry sweetheart, I didn't want your efforts to go in vain but what can we do. I didn't want to come out that's soon and does encounter of yours with me is actually an expectation in our love story. I wanted to come back and be the saviour for you and our kids. I wanted to give you my everything dear but for that I had to get everything in my control and make sure that there's no danger around you before showing up myself to you but I think god had some of his other plans about this all but still it's all good as we both are in love with each other and also you just forgave me so let's go on the second wish of yours or should I say question of your's my lady. *He said with a flirty tone and pulled her closer to his body*

Yn- I want to meet him.* She said not caring about anything happening around her but this caught him off guard. He wasn't expecting this from her but still he putted up a fake smile on his face and started talking*

Tae- Why sweetheart? Why do you want to meet him? I am handling him in the right way and you don't need to worry about it. Also if you are doubting me because of him as I know that you heard him shouting from the back and telling you that I am not like what I show to you then that's all an exception just like you meeting me here.  *He said trying to manipulate her into not meeting jungkook. He doesn't want his plan to be flopped like this.*

Yn- your mother just died from my hands and I actually remember that it can't be an exceptional thing for you to happen. You came here to check up on her but initially right now you are hugging her killer, the killer of your mother then I don't think that I should believe you too. I want to meet jungkook if you like it or not, that's not my problem. I gonna meet him anyhow but yeah there could be one exception and that's that you would be alive or dead. Nothing other than that is going to change. I am going to meet him at any cost.*she said and pressed the dagger down on his neck a little planting a little cut there. He smiled and nodded his head *

Tae- okay I will take you to him so now what's your last wish? *He asked agreeing with her wish anyways*

Yn- I love blood. *She said and took a pause*

Tae- Hmm and...!?*he asked patiently listening to her*

Yn- and you just told me that you love me, right?*she continued slowly*

Tae- yes I do and then....?*he asked not being able to connect it all*

Yn- Then if I found out that you are at fault then I would take my revenge with love from my love.     *she hold his collar and pulled him towards her, whispering in his ears.* 

Tae- I couldn't understand what you meant by this but still I agree. So now when I agreed to all of your three wishes then I hope that you believe me now, right? *He asked softly*

Yn- I think maybe I do. *She said and then licked his earlobe before backing off from his body. She putted that dagger back in it's place and then starts talking again*

Yn- so now fullfil your second promise and take me to him.*she said and taehyung nodded before taking her towards his room with a bleeding hand *


I fulfilled my promise by writing this part as a gift for my three sweethearts.
Vote for next part darlings
Thanks for your support and lovely comments
I love you all
To be continued
Good night and sweet dreams take care of yourself

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