Chapter 1

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Love can be defined in many ways. Love is an intense feeling of great affection or a great interest and pleasure in something.

Love for Jungkook has always been the most important feeling one could ever feel. He always dreamed of spending his life with someone who will love him more than anyone else. Jungkook always wondered how his fated mate would look like. Not that he had some particular way of how his mate should look or behave. He was never a picky person.

From the day he presented as an omega, deep in his heart, he wanted his alpha to be someone who will be loyal to him, who will respect him and be by his side for the rest of their life.

"Jungkook", a high pitched voice was heard, startling Jungkook . 'Oh God, was I day dreaming about my mate again? ' You should stop doing this Jungkook. Jungkook shook his head to get rid of those thoughts, focussing on what his best friend is saying.

"Jungkook, are you even listening to me? I am telling you about such an important event that is going to happen in our college, but here you are ignoring me, lost in your own thoughts", Jimin yelled, frustrated because the younger was staring at him like a hawk.

"I already read the notice board Jimin and I also know that you are not at all interested for the event but for the chief guest who is going to attend this event", Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so excited!! I am finally going to see my fated mate this close. What if I get a chance to shake hands with him?? Oh my god, I won't ever wash my hands after that."

"Eww, stop day dreaming Jimin. First of all, you don't know wether he is your fated mate or not and secondly, knowing your luck I don't think you'll get the chance of even brushing your hands with him. "

Jimin glared at him. "You are lucky you are my best friend and I love you or else i would have punched you right on your face" Jungkook was biting his lower lip to avoid laughing out loud and making his best friend more angry.

"Mom, I am back", Jungkook yelled throwing his bagpack on the couch plopping himself on his mother's lap.
"How was your day baby? Did you have fun? ", mrs jeon enquired.
"Yes mom, I had a lot of fun. Do you know we are going to have an event day after tomorrow in our college. I am so excited. My professor has asked me to perform a dance with Jimin for the chief guest. Our performance will be the opening act of the event.", Jungkook said excitedly.

"I am so happy for you kookie.", mrs Jeon said smiling at Jungkook. But her sweet smile tured into a smirk and Jungkook new what was coming. "What if you find your mate there kookie? ", mrs jeon teased.

"Yeah mom, stop it". Cheeks turning red, jungkook buried his heated face into the pillow. "Is my kookie shy?" mrs jeon enquired while playfully pocking her forefinger in jungkook's stomach.

"I just hope I find my mate soon mom. Its been two months since I tured 21,yet I haven't found my mate. But my heart tells me that I will find my mate one day. "
"I am sure you'll find your Prince Charming soon kookie. He will come riding a horse wearing white suit and hat and swip you far away in his castle which will be your new home."

Jungkook giggled hearing his mom. "Mom stop dreaming about your son in law." "Yeah yeah, I know but i can't help it. I always pray to god for you to have a good mate who will love you and take care of you the same way your father takes care of us. ", mrs Jeon sighed.

After their emotional talk, Jungkook and his mom had lunch. Jungkook came back to his bedroom as he decided to take a small nap, but he couldn't stop thinking about the event and the what ifs of finding his mate.
But soon sleep engulfed him.


"Jungkook, wake up. Jimin has come to take you to your dance studio. You had promised him that you will go to your dance practice at 5 right? " As soon as these words fell on his ears, Jungkook groaned.

He reluctantly got up from the bed, rubing his eyes with the back of his palm. Soon he got ready wearing his usual black hoodie and white cargo pants. He checked himself for one last time in the mirror before turning on his heels.

He saw Jimin sitting on the couch while chatting with mrs jeon. As soon as their eyes meet, Jimin was on his heels coming towards Jungkook, taking hold of his right wrist dragging him towards the main door, yelling a bye to mrs jeon. Jungkook too yelled a bye to his mom.

They both hoped on Jimin's car riding towards their dance studio.

Jungkook came back home at night after his dance practice with jimin. As soon as he entered the hall of his home, he saw his mom and dad chatting with each other.

Jungkook began to walk towards them with a sweet smile plastered on his face. "Hey dad, when did you come back from your company? ", Jungkok asked while making himself comfortable beside his dad.

" I came half an hour ago kookie. So how was your dance practice baby? Your mom told me that you are going to perform at the event held in your college. "

"Yes dad, I am so excited. I will give my best. " "I know kookie. My son is the best. "

"Are you both done with you son and dad bonding? We need to head out for our weekly family dinner remember?, mrs Jeon said playfully glaring at the father-son duo.

"Wow dad, this restaurant is so beautiful. Its ambience is so eye catching. ", Jungkook exclaimed. His big doe eyes roaming across the restaurant, examining each and every decor item placed on the walls.

Mr and mrs Jeon were busy staring at their son with a sweet and loving smile dancing on their lips.

"How may I help you sir? ", their trance was broke by the manager of the restaurant.

"We have made a reservation under the name of Mr Jeon.", Mr Jeon said.
"Yes, welcome to blue heaven sir. Your table is right at the corner near the glass wall."

The cute little family followed the manager before sitting on the couch.
The waiter cam right as soon as they made themselves comfortable on the chairs with a welcome drink.

All three of them were casually chatting with one another. Mr Heon informing them about the new contract which is very beneficial for his company and that he need to meet Mr Kim Taehyung .

Jungkook's ears perked right up, when the name fell in his ears. Jis heart started beating. He couldn't understand why this is happening. This is the very first time he is feeling this sesation in his body.

"Hey kookie, what happened baby? ", mrs jeon enquired. "Nothing mom I was just thinking about the event"

Jungkook just shrugged and tried focussing on what his dad was saying.
But one thing he was sure about was, that the name Kim Taehyung will be stuck in his mind for a while.


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