Chapter 6

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Few minutes had past but both the mates were not in the zone of getting their eyes off each other.

The alpha was still holding the omegas cheeks that were a little damped with tears.

Jungkook was trying to inhale the alpha's scent as much as he can as if it will be his last time smelling it.

This scent has indeed become Jungkook's favourite.

While he was trying to process about how his alpha who was standing  few feets away from him, is now cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears.

The alpha's  hands were a little rough but warm. They were big enough to hold Jungkook's whole face.

'Your touch is pure sunshine'

This is what Jungkook wanted to tell the alpha but couldn't. Touch has always been Jungkook's favourite way of comunication and now seeing his alpha do it too, Jungkook felt at bliss.

"I am your mate"

The words came out of Taehyung's mouth, his usual pitched voice, eyes becoming soft.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, his bunny teeth peeking out making him look nothing but adorable. The alpha had to bite down his lower lip to stop them from curving upwards.

Most of the alphas always believed and said that the omegas are the one who belonged to them and not the other way round.

But the way taehyung said that he is the omega's mate made jungkook giddy.

Jungkook looked into the alpha's eyes to find wether the alpha meant it or not and the only thing he could find was honesty. As if the alpha have never lied in his entire life.

"Yes I am your mate alpha", Jungkook uttered. His main aim to make the alpha feel like someone belonged to him too. Someone he could call his.


He wanted to ask jungkook to repeat the last word again and again. Though it may be just a honorific for other people, for taehyung it was heaven.

The omega's voice was so soft, taehyung felt like he was listening to an angel saying his spells.

Jungkook held Taehyung's right hand in his, now standing beside him looking up at the moon. Taehyung's eyes roamed around the omega's face and back at their joined hands.

'Your hand touching mine, this is how galaxies collide'

Jungkook felt tingles in his stomach while he was staring at the moon. He wanted to thank the moon goddess for making him meet his mate.

Although he didn't know what their future holds, he was still happy that atleast he found his mate.

Taehyung could see the whole sky reflecting in his omega's eyes.

The moon, the stars, the planets, the milky way, the asteroids, all of them witnessing the best moment of his life.

"Are you going to keep staring at me alpha?", Jungkook asked eyes still looking up at the sky.

"Yes", came a reply.

"But alpha, look how bright the moonlight is with the stars twinkling bright. The sky is looking so beautiful.", Jungkook uttered with a heart melting smile.

"Not more than you.", Jungkook whiped his head towards the alpha.

"Aahh there you are. I was searching for you.", a voice startled both the mates.

"I was just watching the stars hyung", Taehyung stated, his eyes still soft but his voice had become firm.

"ohh hello jungkook-ssi, I am Min Yoongi. I really liked your performace by the way.", Yooongi uttered, eyes roaming at the two standing in front  of him.

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