Chapter 38

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"Hello hyung, I am sending you a number. Please trace it for me immediately and send me the location.", Taehyung cuts the call before getting inside his car as he speeds up to go to the church.

'Please be safe love. Alpha will find you soon. I will kill whoever is behind this.', Taehyung murmurs to himself, his hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel.

Taehyung's phone ring when he is almost about to reach the church. He picks up the call only to find that the phone number which belonged to Jungkook was being traced near the church. Taehyung sighed in relief thinking that Jungkook must be inside the church completing his assignment.

He parks the car in front of the church before entering it. His eyes roam around the church but he couldn't find his omega. Taehyung panicks when his eyes fall on the bag which he was sure that it belonged to Jungkook.

He picks up the bag only to find Jungkook's  phone lying on the floor. He tenses when he realises what must have happened to his omega.

He was about to go to the backyard of the church to find if Jungkook is there or not but stops in his tracks when his phone rings again. It's an unknown number.

He frantically picks up the call only to gritt his teeth listening to the voice of the person on the other side. How can he forget of the cruel devil leaving in his own house.

"Alpha Taehyung, if you wish to save your omega then meet me at the warehouse near the pack border in 30 minutes. Or else, you won't be able to see your omega ever again.", Yujin orders before cutting the call not even letting Taehyung speak a word.

Taehyung curses when the call gets cut. He tries to call back but the phone has been switched off. He runs his hand through his hair getting frustrated at his own self. He blames himself for not being able to protect his omega.

"Hyung, come to the warehouse near our pack's border.", Taehyung cuts the call before putting his mobile inside his pocket.

He gets inside his car, starts the engine and drives the car at  full speed. He doesn't trust Yujin. He is a crazy omega, heartless and can do anything to Jungkook if he gets angry.

Taehyung parks his car in the front of the warehouse. His eyes roam around the warehouse area to see if he finds anything suspicious. There's no one around like it usually does. He knows this warehouse. It has been shut and barrened since last few years but still people come here as it is the closest to the border.

Taehyung enters the eerily silent warehouse only to hear someone yelling profanities. He slowly and carefully enters the door that lead him to some room. Before he could go any further he hears Yujin call his name.

"Oh my, look who is here. Jungkook, your alpha came too early than I thought. ", Yujin chuckles. Taehyung follows the source of voice only to find Jungkook tied up to a chair opposite to where Yujin was sitting. There was one more alpha present who was standing beside Yujin.

"What do you want Yujin? I will kill you if you do something to my omega. ", Taehyung yells, his hands turning into fists.

"Tsk tsk, this is not how you talk to your future mate alpha.", Yujin smirks when Taehyung's eyes go wide.

"I haven't seen such a dreamy person in my entire life. I mean how can someone believe something which is not possible even in dreams. Me mating with you? Sorry omega, never going to happen.", Taehyung exclaims his voice turning cold and harsh.

"You'll have to or else I'll kill this omega.", Yujin takes a knife in his hand putting it near to Jungkook's neck.

"Don't you know that if Jungkook dies,  I will die with him too? Are you dreaming of mating with my dead body? How petty of you.", Taehyung smirks but grits his teeth when he sees Jungkook hissing from Yujin's tight grip on his hair.

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