Chapter 28

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Warning : Mature content🔞

"This is the best surprise I have ever received sweetheart. I promise to not let you down on my part.", Taehyung licks the omega's neck who appreciates his doing with a sinful moan.

Taehyung breaths against the omega's neck sucking the skin below his ear. Jungkook let's out a loud moan pushing Taehyung more towards his neck.

Taehyung faces the omega, taking his lips between his sucking his bottom lip. Jungkook opens his mouth when Taehyung licks his lips asking for entrance.

Jungkook moans when their tongues meet, with his alpha sucking his tongue. Taehyung lifts Jungkook up in his arms who wraps his legs around his alpha's torso.

Taehyung walks towards the bed gently placing the omega on it but not leaving his lips.

Taehyung stares at the omega before
hovering over  him, placing himself between the omega's legs. He trails kisses from the omega's forehead to his cheeks followed by his eyes and nosetip.

"I love you my heart and you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.", Taehyung confesses making the omega smile.

"I love you too alpha. I'm ready to be yours forever in all sense. Make me yours.", Taehyung doesn't need anymore assurance. He dives towards the omega's neck sucking a train of hickies on the omega's sensitive skin.

He keeps kissing and licking each and every part of the omega's neck before going down towards his collar bone.

Jungkook too kisses his alpha's shoulder and neck diving himself in the alpha's scent.

Taehyung looks at the omega, placing a hand on the omega's shirt button.

Jungkook stares at Taehyung with hooded eyes waiting for his alpha's next move.

"May I?", Taehyung asks looking at Jungkook his hands still on the omega's shirt button.

"You don't have to ask alpha.", Jungkook utters biting down his lips when Taehyung unbuttons his shirt.

Taehyung's eyes darken when the red lacy bra of the omega comes in view.
Taehyung traces the border of the bra before tracing his forefinger over the omega's clothed nipple.

Jungkook shudders feeling his alpha's touch over his sensitive nipple.

Taehyung unbuttons all the buttons of the omega's shirt before sliding it down his body.

"God...", Taehyung moans looking at the omegas fuller breasts.
Taehyung unhooks the omega's bra with his eyes staring at the omega's. He slides down the bra off his shoulder putting it on the ground.

Taehyung keeps staring at the omega's chest.

"Alpha, stop staring.", Jungkook moans out trying to cover his chest but Taehyung stops him from doing so.

"Let me see love.", Taehyung utters taking the omega's hands away from his chest.

"Shit.... ", Taehyung groans before licking and kissing the omega's breast accept the nipple. Taehyung opens his mouth before taking the omega's right nipple inside his mouth while squeezing the other not breaking the omega's eye contact.

Jungkook moans when Taehyung sucks on the nipple rolling his tongue over the pecks. He keeps sucking on them until they became red and swollen. He performes the same ministrations over the other breast before kissing down the omega's belly.

Taehyung's brows furrow when a silver piercing comes in view.

"This is your real surprise alpha.", Jungkook says with a shy smile when Taehyung keeps staring at the piercing.

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