Chapter 44

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"Add two hundred grams of cake premix in a bowl. Now add 15ml of oil in it and give it a good mix."

Jungkook carefully follows the instructions that were said in the YouTube video he was currently referring to. He had all the ingredients ready that will be used to make a strawberry cake.

The over excited omega, measures each and every ingredient carefully before putting them in the bowl. This was his first time baking a cake and he wants it to be perfect.

Wondering why is he baking a cake? Well, tomorrow is their first marriage anniversary and he wants to surprise his alpha. He clearly remembers how his alpha had devoured the strawberry cake that they had eaten when they were on their college trip. It was almost a month ago.

Jungkook wants to replicate the same cake hoping it to turn out the exact replica of the cake his husband loved so much. The omega puts the cake batter into a tin before putting it in a pre heated oven.

He was all alone home as Jimin and Yoongi had gone back to their home since mrs Min was missing her son and son in law a lot. Jin and Namjoon hadn't returned back from their hometown.

Currenty his alpha had went to his office leaving the omega all alone. Jungkook had argued with the alpha as they both had decided to spent some alone time with one another.
But the alpha had reasoned him by saying that he had a very urgent meeting and had to leave early.

Jungkook had a pout lacing on his face the whole time his alpha was getting ready for office. Taehyung had promised him to come home early and had showered the beautiful omega's face with kisses.

Taehyung going to the office turned out to be good as Jungkook was able to bake a surprise cake for his alpha.

A sigh leaves the omega's mouth as he patiently waits for the cake to be baked. He had already choped the strawberries which he was going to decorate the cake with.

Jungkook phone rings with the name of his alpha displaying on it.

"Hello Alpha", Jungkook greets earning a deep chuckle from the other side.

"You seem way too excited as compared to how grumpy you were when I left. Found something interesting to do?? ", Taehyung questions resting his back on the chair.

"You can say so. But I won't tell you what is it. I'm still angry at you.", Jungkook fake huffs earning a fit of laughter from his alpha.

"Yahhh stop laughing.", Jungkook whines.

"Oh my angry omega. I have promised you that I will come early so please will you stop being angry at your alpha. Alpha is sorry, sweetheart.", Taehyung apologises making a smile appear on the omega's face.

"Ok okay I will forgive you. But you will have to bring a whole ice-cream family pack for me.", Jungkook demands.

"Yes sir. Your alpha will be back into your arms soon with a whole ass ice cream family pack.", Taehyung says has he swirls the chair around.

"Come back home safely. I love you and I'm waiting for you. ", Jungkook instructs.

"I love you too, my love.", with that the call ends.


Earlier in the evening, Jungkook was busy watching TV when he saw his alpha entering the living room. The omega quickly gets up from where he was sitting, running towards the alpha bringing him in a bone crashing hug.

"Welcome home, alpha.", the omega wishes shying away when the alpha places a kiss on his button nose.

Taehyung picks the omega in his arms making Jungkook squeak but nevertheless wraps his hands around the alpha's neck. Taehyung swings the omega bringing him into the kitchen before putting him down.

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