Chapter 42

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"Alpha, come early today okay. We need to pack our suitcases for the trip. I will remove all our clothes that we need to carry for the trip from the closet by the time you come so that it doesn't take much  time for us to pack.", the omega says earning a hum from Taehyung who was busy inhaling the omega's sweet scent while hugging him from behind.

"Alpha are you even listening? ", Jungkook huffs bringing his hands on his hips while sending a glare at his alpha.

"Of course love. I will come early today. I will also bring some toiletries from the convenience store that we would need on the trip.", Taehyung utters turning the omega so that he now faces the alpha.

"We will do everything on time okay. No need to panic. No fear when alpha is here.", Taehyung utters with a proud smile on his face.

"Last time during our honeymoon you had uttered the same words and we had almost missed our flight. I don't want to take any risk this time. Our university bus isn't going to wait for us.", Jungkook exclaims making the alpha pout. At least Taehyung was trying to copy the omega's pout.

"Of course they will have to wait for us. We are their head alpha and luna.", Taehyung says.

"Yeah yeah whatever.", Jungkook turns around to leave their bedroom to make some breakfast for the alpha since both Jin and Namjoon had went to visit Jin's parents at their hometown.

Taehyung quickly caught hold of the omega's wrist before pulling him towards his chest, swaying him from left to right.

"What are you doing alpha? ", Jungkook giggles when the alpha lifts him up in the air in bridal style before walking out of their bedroom. Jimin watches how his best friend was picked up by his alpha and the whole house was filled with his giggles.

A smile appears on his own face looking at his childhood friend being so happy. Both the omega's have been very close to each other since childhood and love each other a lot. Jimin remembers how they both had made a wish to the falling star to be blessed with the sweetest alpha's in the world and Jimin surely knows that both their wishes have been fulfilled.

"Alpha stop...", the omega giggles when Taehyung sways him in the air while walking down the stairs. Finally, Taehyung puts him down when they reach the kitchen where Jimin was standing.

"The breakfast is ready love birds.", Jimin chimes making the omega blush. "Let me help you Jiminie. Where is yoongi hyung? ", Jungkook asks as the three of them settle on the dining table.

"He is getting ready. See here he is.", Yoongi seats on a chair beside Jimin, placing a kiss on the omega's temple.

"Lets have our breakfast quickly hyung. We need to reach office soon so that we can come home early.", Taehyung says before taking a bite of the pancake glazed with honey.

They all have their breakfast with the alphas discussing about their office work and the omegas discussing about their trip. The omegas were more than excited for the trip now that their alphas are also going to join them.

"Alpha come home early okay.", Jungkook says before placing a kiss on his alpha's cheeks but gasps when Taehyung pulls him closer by his waist. The alpha leans down, his eyes on the omega's lips making the other gulp. Taehyung smashes his lips on the omega's, bringing him into a breathless kiss.

Taehyung only leaves Jungkook's lips when he is satisfied by his ministrations. The omega now all red and shy, places a last kiss on the alpha's forehead before urging him to go.

Jungkook walks inside the mansion going to his room to at least remove all the necessities they are going to carry to the trip. He takes out his phone charger, ear phones, camera, etc. before putting them in a small bag.

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