Chapter 15

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The church was decorated with white lilies, the omega's favourites. All the pack members belonging to both the packs were present to witness the bonding of their favourite pair.

Little pups were running around, playing with each other unaware of what was happening around them.

Starters were being distributed among the guests. The bonding was going to happen in an hour as per the auspicious time given by the royal priest. Both the alpha's and the omega's birth date and time were taken into consideration before choosing the date and time of the bonding ceremony.

Inside the alpha's dressing room, Taehyung was literally sweating. He couldn't sleep last night due to nervousness. He kept thinking about his omega with whom he was not allowed to talk until the bonding ceremony. It was really very difficult to hold himself from calling or texting the omega because he was getting used to hearing Jungkook's voice first thing in the morning over the past few days.

"Taehyung, I understand that you are feeling nervous but you can't keep that frown on your face right?", Jin asked fed up of Taehyung's nevous behaviour. Jin has been assuring Taehyung since morning that everything will be just fine but all in vain.

"Tae relax. You don't want Jungkook to see you being this nervous right?", Namjoon asked patting his son's back.

Taehyung mumbled a small yes in response.

Taehyung needed Yoongi by his side but the said male was busy with the preparations. Taehyung siged before walking towards the balcony to get some fresh air.

On the other side, Jungkook was nervous but calm which was opposite to his usual behaviour. Yesturday both his parents and him had a very emotional talk. Jungkook for the first time saw his dad in tears. Looking at both his parents crying, the omega had started crying too.

But now sitting in front of the mirror all dressed up, Jungkook was excited and looking forward for his new life. He was someone who would accustom to new people and new surroundings.

He knew his alpha was a good person and experiencing the love that his soon to be in-laws gave him the day of their meeting at the Jeons, Jungkook felt safe and content.

The make up artist dabbed some blush on the omega's cheeks which was not really needed as the omega was already blushing thinking about his marriage.

"Taehyung, the priest has arrived. Let's go brother. You are finally getting married.", yoongi said enthusiastically showing his usual gummy smile.

"Hyung, am I doing the right thing? ", Taehyung asked although he was sure about his decision but still wanted to know his hyungs thoughts.

"This is the best thing that is happening in your life tae. Your omega will bring so much love and joy in your life that you'll forget all those years a loneliness you felt till date.", Yoongi hugged Taehyung, running his hand on his back to calm him down.

"Come let's go. Someone is waiting for you."

They were about to leave when Namjoon came with a smile on his face. He held Taehyung's hands, running his thumb over his knuckles giving it a squeeze.

"Taehyung, your omega is your responsibility from now. Always remember that, Jungkook is leaving his parents, his comfort to come to you and spend his life with you. He is going to mould himself in the way you are moulded. From now on, all your decisions will not only be yours but his too. I know you'll keep him happy and love him a lot. Infact I know that your love for him will be as true and pure as your blood. I just want you to not let your omega down.", Namjoon said, his eyes moist.

"I will take care of my omega the same way you take care of appa.", Taehyung replied giving his dad a tight lipped smile.

"I have made a lot of mistakes in my life son. But don't worry I won't let you make the same mistakes too. Your dad will always be there for you. Come let's go, we are getting late. You don't want your omega to be angry at you on the first day of marriage. They can be scary. ", Namjoon chuckled.

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