Chapter 43

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Jungkook wonders how they went from spending romantic time with one another to now being lost in the middle of forest. Lost may not be the right word to say as his alpha claims that he knows the path from the map which was showed to them before starting the game.

All the students and their mates were divided into a group of two, while most of the students got separated from their mates , Jungkook and Taehyung luckily got into the same team. 

 The omega still wonders how him and his alpha got into the same team. Little did he know that his alpha had asked the organizers to put him and his mate in the same team as well as put Jimin and Yoongi in the same team together.

The task given to them was to find the pond which was located somewhere in the middle of a huge forest they were currently in. Jungkook being a very competitive person wants to win this challenge at any cost but now that he has been roaming around with his alpha for the past half n hour, the omega has lost all the hopes of winning.

"Alpha, do you really know the path or are you just bluffing around?", jungkook whines tired from walking miles. They couldn't even hear the noise of water not that they were expecting the sound of waves or something but atleast some noise of maybe birds or some other animal but there wasn't any.

"Ofcourse sweetheart. Trust alpha okay. Alpha will make you win.", Taehyung assures pulling the omega's wrist when he senses something coming from the path towards their right.

Both the mates walk for more ten minutes when jungkook's eyes fall on Yoongi who was dragging an overdramatically yelling Jimin. 

"Godd....Is he really my friend?", Jungkook didn't realize he had spoke this out loud before he heard his alpha's response.

"Your bestfriend is just like you.", Taehyung chuckles bending down to place a kiss on the omega's pouty lips who glares at him angrily.

"I am not as dramatic as him.", Jungkook huffs walking away from his alpha towards his bestfriend.

"You are more dramatic then him.", Taehyung mutters to himself before following his omega

"Jimin why are you lying on the ground?", Jungkook asks nudging his friend to get up from the ground.

"I'm so tired Jungkookie. This dumb alpha of mine forgot the path to the pond. I wish I could have gone through the map rather than asking him to do so.", Jimin grumbles.

"Don't worry Jiminah. My alpha remembers the path. We shall reach there soon.", Jungkook says proudly but fails to observes the alpha's scared face which doesn't go unnoticed by Yoongi.

"You forgot the path didn't you? ", Yoongi whispers into Taehyung's ears who elbows him in the stomach.

"Keep your voice low hyung. And  even if I did forget the path, we cannot forget the fact that I am a trueblood and so I have great senses.", Taehyung grumbles.

"And what does your senses tell? ", Yoongi raises his brows, his cat eyes staring at his brother.

"Follow me.", Taehyung gestures the omegas and Yoongi to follow him, completely ignoring Yoongi's question.

After a lot of hardwork and getting lost along with listening to the omegas rumblings, they finally reach the pond. Surprisingly no one had reached the place except for the organizers and teachers.

Taehyung and Yoongi sigh in relief that they were the first one's to reach that place and a smile appears on their face looking at their omegas being so happy for winning the game.

Many tents were already arranged for the students near the pond. It was slowly turning dark as the sun went down with everyone welcoming the moon and stars.

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