Chapter 3

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"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." - Marcus Aurelius

This is what Jungkook have always believed in. The mentioned quote is a perfect summarised definition of Jungkook's inner thoughts about fate.

Being a pure blood omega that too a male omega made Jungkook the most beautiful omega of his pack.

Many alphas even trueblood alphas who belonged to royal families had proposed a proposal for marriage with Jungkook to his dad.

Mr Jeon being a caring and protective father, had always denied the proposals. He himself was a firm believer in fate and he also knew that Jungkook is a mini version of him having same thoughts like him.

He never even informed the omega about the proposals. He didn't want his little baby to get affected by such minimal things.

Knowing Jungkook's powers that came along with him being a pure omega, he couldn't even dream of marrying his son to someone who is not his fated mate.


Jungkook was walking along the corridor of his university when a small petite body collided against him, bringing him in a bone crashing hug.

"Jimin, will you stop throwing yourself on me. What if we both fall? ", Jungkook complained while balancing his body which he was sure would have met the ground.

"Hehe! Jungkookie you know how excited I am for the event tomorrow. Min Yoongi is going to attend the event. " Jimin squilled with his eyes sparkling and exaggerating his last sentence.

"So what if he is coming. I am simply excited that we are getting a chance to perform at the event.", Jungkook teased because he new what implying to say about him being excited for the event.

" Yeahhh. Don't say anything against my mate. "

"You don't know wether he is your mate or not Jimin. Just because you get tingles in your stomach whenever you see his pictures or here his name doesn't mean that he will be your mate.", Jungkook sighed.

Jungkook although always listened to his heart, he was also a very logical person.

He doesn't want to give his best friend false hope. He knows that Jimin is madly in love with yoongi and as a good friend he only wanted what is best for jimin.

"I know that kookie but I can't lose hope right? I haven't met him yet so we can't deny him not being my fated mate", Jimin whined.

"Lets hope you meet alpha yoongi tomorrow. I really wish that alpha yoongi will be your mate jiminie.", Jungkook uttered ruffling jimin's hair.

"But how should I react when I see him in real kookie? I am so nervous while speaking about him, what will i do tomorrow when he will be watching me perform from the front seat? ", Jimin exclaimed with blush covered cheeks.

"You'll be flustered Jiminie. Don't worry I will give you privacy. You can talk with your mate in private. You can even do some deeds you know. I will assign a "Do not Disturb " board outside the room.", Jungkook whispered wiggling his eyebrows with his hands forming inverted commas in the air.

"Jungkook, you brat stop it. Nothing is going to happen between me and alpha yoongi tomorrow. Especially the deeds you are talking about ", Jimin whispered with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Soon the teacher entered the room and the two best friends were back to concentrating on the board. Not knowing how tomorrow's event is going to change their life forever.

Only in a good way though.


"Tae, Yoongi told me that you are going to attend the event of Red moon pack along with him.", Kim Namjoon said while sitting on the chair accross Taehyung's desk.

"Yes dad. Hyung wants me to go along with him and either way I had to visit that pack as I have a meeting with head alpha of Red moon pack", Taehyung uttered with a cold face.

"Yes, even I got a scroll from Mr Jeon informing me about the meet. Me and Mr Jeon have always been very good acquaintance with eack other and I hope you do the same", Namjoon uttered leaning against the desk.

"Yes I will dad. We both are planning on trading large amount of goods with each other with low tax interest which will help both our packs to ensure the treaty between our packs. "

"It will also help us to focus more on agriculture, which as you know gives us the most revenue whereas the red moon pack will be able to focus on mining. "
"The exchange of agricultural products and oil between us will be very beneficial for the both of our packs. "

Namjoon had a proud smile on his face as he was listening to his son. He couldn't be more proud.

"You are working too much tae. Taking care of the requirements of our pack and not focussing on your own life is not how I want you to spend your life Tae."
"I respect your choices but as a father I want my son to have his own sweet little family. I want to see you happy my child. "

"I know where you are implying dad. I am happy with my life. I don't need a mate to bring light in my life"

Only if he knew.....

"I am not saying that I don't want a mate. I do want to have a mate infact I need a mate in my life but it can't be my priority right?"

"Of course it shouldn't. And I can truely understand what you are going through Tae. Although I found Jin the very next day after my twenty first birthday , I know how difficult it is to not have your mate by your side."

"Thank you for understanding me dad and I would request you to explain the same to appa too. I know he is being worried about me and I can't help but worry about him too."

"Sure Tae. I will take my leave now. Come home soon. ", Namjoon said getting off the chair.

"Yes dad, and please ask appa to make my favourite japache for dinner today. I have been craving it since today morning."


Hello Avocados,
I hope you like this chapter.

I was going to post tomorrow but I got some free time today so here it is.

Can you guess what could be Jungkook's special powers??

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