Chapter 33

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"Come Yujin. Let me show you your room.", Jungkook gives his hand to Yujin to help him get up from the floor.

Yujin takes his suitcase before following the omega who takes him to the most cornered room of the mansion.

"Am I supposed to live here? In this small room?", Yujin exclaims as soon as he enters the room. Although the room was fully-furnished, it wasn't that lavish but was big enough to fit one person's livelyhood.

"The thing is Yujin....", Jungkook pauses, a small smile on his face.

"When a person has nothing, even the burnt food tastes the best. I thought you must have learnt the hardway, but maybe I was wrong."

"Oh. No no. I'm not complaining. I am glad that alpha gave me a place to stay.", Yujin panickly explains.

"Alpha Taehyung."
"What? "
"It is alpha Taehyung for you Yujin
Never forget that. I hope you won't repeat the same mistake again. ",Jungkook exclaims his doe eyes boaring into Yujin's cat eyes.

"He was my alpha before he married you. So it is my right to call him alpha. My alpha.", Jungkook so wanted to wash that sardonic smile off the omega's face. But controlled himself not wanting to create any scene.

"I don't know what past you had with my "fated" alpha. But I am sure of one thing that, even if I die or however you were planning of killing me, alpha will always love me. Only me. Keep this plastered in that tiny brain of yours.", Jungkook vociferates making inverted commas in the air.

Yujin simply keeps staring trying to figure how Jungkook came to know about what he had thought in his mind. As much as he remembers that he didn't share his thoughts of killing Jungkook with anyone else.

"You are lying. I can't even think of killing someone. Especially not you.", Yujin utters, various thoughts running in his mind.

"Tsk tsk. I hate liers Yujin. And I know that you are lying. I also know about your useless plan of making my alpha against me so that we get away from each other and you have a easy way in.", Jungkook smirks before continuing.

"Not even in your dreams omega. Not even in your dreams", Jungkook walks out of the room living a horrified and dumbstruck Yujin behind.


"Appa, did you see Jungkook?", Taehyung asks his eyes moving around the house in search of his omega.  

"He went with Yujin to show him his room.", Jin answers.

"Why did you let Jungkook go with him? You know how Yujin can be right?", Taehyung grits his teeth, his brown frowning. 

He was about to go  find Jungkook but stops when he sees Jungkook walking down the stairs.

"Love, why did you go with him? You should have had asked the maid to accompany him.", Taehyung pulls Jungkook in a hug, the fear of his omega being in danger subsiding.

"You have a lot to explain me alpha.", Jungkook utters before pulling Taehyung's wrist, walking towards their bedroom.

Taehyung pulls the omega on his laps as soon as he settles down on the bed. Jungkook tucks his head near the alpha's neck inhaling the strong scent of the alpha. 

"Before you start, I would like to tell you that I believe you alpha. No lie can break the trust I have in you.", Jungkook mumbles placing a sweet kiss on the alpha's neck.

Taehyung doesn't reply. His own mind trying to figure out from where to begin the story about his past. A lot had happened. A lot was yet to fall on the omega's ears.

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