Chapter 2

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The day Taehyung presented as an alpha that too a true blood, his parents celebrated it by distributing sweets and gifts to their whole pack.

Not because Kim Namjoon, Taehyung's dad didn't respect other genders. It was mainly because it was the protocol of their pack that the next heir of the pack should only be an alpha. Namjoon and his husband Kim Seokjin always hated this law, but couldn't change it because it was the law made by their ancestors.

When Taehyung turned twenty-one, Kim Namjoon retired from being the head alpha of Blue moon pack and Taehyung was crowned to be the next head alpha.

People of Blue moon pack were very happy. They always knew that Taehung will be a good head of their pack and will fulfil all their requirements. Taehyung being the child of Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin was a plus point for them to accept Taehung as their head alpha with open hearts.

But one thing that always made the whole pack worry was that although Taehyung had turned 21 six years ago, he hadn't found his fated mate yet.

The whole pack wished that their head alpha would find his mate as soon as possible.

"Minister Lee, please explain the whole case scenario to me in detail", a deep voice was heard by all the people present in the court.

"Alpha Kim Taehyung, Jisook have stolen a gold chain from chan's shop. We have found the chain in his bag while we were investigating about this case. ", Mr lee said loud and clear.

"Do you want to give any justification for your act jisook? ", Taehyung asked with a gaze which made Jisook lower his head as he couldn't look into the eyes of the alpha.

"Sir, I agree that I stole from Chan's shop but I couldn't help. My family was starving. As you may have realised by now that I don't belong to this pack. I am a rogue. I used to sell bangles accross many villages but it was not enough for fulfilling our daily needs. ", Jisook explained, tears flowing down his cheeks.

Taehyung was simply staring at Jisook for a few minutes. For everyone else, the alpha was thinking of the punishment that needs to be given to the theif. But in reality, the true blood was reading Jisook's mind and he realised that Jisook was telling the truth.

Taehyung had the ability to read people's mind since he was young. Not everyone knew about this ability of his. Only his family members had an idea about it.

"Jisook will be given another chance. He will now be a part of our pack and no longer be a rogue. This will be his punishment, he no longer will be able to act upon his on will. He will be obliged to follow our pack rules. ", Taehyung declared before getting down from his thrown walking towards his office, guards following him from behind.

It was 8pm, Taehyung was going through some files when a high pitched sound a phone ring was heard. "Hello hyung", Taehyung greeted leaning backwards resting his head on the headrest.

"Can you once stop being formal with your brother.", Min yoongi sighed shaking his head because he knew that this is how his younger cousin brother is.

"Why did you call me hyung ? Anything important?", Taehyung asked ignoring the laters allegations.

"You'll never change. I hope your fated mate brings some changes in you and that I get the privilege to see my brother smile and speak more casually rather than being on point", yoongi exclaimed climbing down the stairs of his home.


" Yeah I can understand that you don't want to talk about it. I have called you to tell you that you are coming with me the day after tomorrow to an event held at a college in Red moon back."

"But I am busy hyung"

"I am not asking you Tae, I am telling you that you are coming with me. End of topic no more discussion." Yoongi stated.

He very well knew his cousin. Taehyung would attend the events that were important for their pack. He never attended the events which were for publicity or entertainment.

"Okay hyung, I will come with you but only for a few hours. I won't stay for long. I have much more important matters to handle. "

"Thank you for agreeing tae. I knew you will never say no to me.", Youngi exclaimed with a proud smile plastered on his lips.

"You forced me to accept hyung. Stop being on cloud nine."

"Yeah whatever. I will inform you the time tomorrow. "

"Okay bye hyung. Its time to get back to work", Taehyung said disconnecting the call.

Within a minute after he disconnected the call, a message notification was displayed on his mobile screen.

(Yoongi is on the left while tae is on the right)

Taehyung knew that he is not going to receive any response back

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Taehyung knew that he is not going to receive any response back.

Although Taehyung tried to focus back on his work, but the thought of finding his fated mate was not leaving his mind.

When Taehyung had turned 21, he was so excited to find his mate. He promised himself that he will take care of them and will love them till the very end.

But as years passed, the hope of finding his mate deteriorated. Not that Taehyung have given up. The main reason for Taehyung attending this event was for being able to find his mate.

This thought had crossed Taehyung's mind while he was talking to yoongi and was the only reason why he agreed with him.

Hope is a feeling of trust. And taehyung trusted moon goddess. He knew deep in his heart that he has a mate. Maybe his mate is younger than him and has not come to age yet but he knew one day he will be able to meet them.

A sigh left the true blood's mouth. He shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. Everyday the thoughts of his mate would hinder his mind and he would spend a lot of time thinking about his fated mate.

Hello Avocados.
I hope you like this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to all of you who have voted, commented and added my book to their reading list. Also the one's who follow me.

It means a lot to me. I will try my best to reach your expectations.

Shower your love to this book♥

I know I don't have much readers currently, but can any of you inform me wether you were able to see the image of Taehyung's message box?
Wattpad was giving me hard time uploading it.

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