Chapter 36

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"I don't know where to start this but I think  you have the right to know about it.", Jungkook mumbles.

"Tell me what is it pup? ", Taehyung asks caressing the omega's cheeks.

"It's about my powers. The powers that I was blessed with since my birth. ", Jungkook says his eyes moving over the alpha's face in an attempt to read his facial expressions.

"Go on. I'm listening.", Taehyung assures pulling the omega closer to himself if that was even possible.

"I have the power to listen to people's thoughts. I can't  hear everyone's thoughts though. I am only able to hear the thoughts of people whose heart is filled with jealousy and are avaricious, so much that they can do anything for money.", Jungkook explains.

" I can choose whether to hear their thoughts or not. I can even block their voice in my head.",Jungkook tilts his head his eyes lingering on the alpha, waiting for his reply.

"So, you are teling me that you can hear Yujin's thoughts? ", Taehyung being a very smart person understood the reason behind the omega telling him about his powers at this time.

"Yes. That is how I was able to go to the ball today with you. He had planned to lock me in the basement but his plan failed miserably.", Jungkook exclaims.

"How? ", the alpha questions.

"I will tell you how, but first tell me whether you are angry at me for not telling you this earlier?, Jungkook asks.

"No love. It's about your powers and it your choice when to tell about it and to whom. I'm not at all angry with you.", Taehyung utters placing a kiss on the omega's cheeks.

"Actually, he had asked a maid to inform me that appa has called me in the store room located at the basement. I even believed him and was going towards the storeroom when I heard Yujin's voice in my mind. He was thinking about how he could follow me without me knowing. So that is how I realized that all of it was a trap. So I pretended to enter the storeroom but didn't really enter it. I took a turn towards the next room but Yujin thought I entered the storeroom and so he locked it. ", the omega explained.

Taehyung grits his teeth realising how harmful it could have been for the omega if he would have got locked for real. The audacity of Yujin to even think of harming his mate made Taehyung's eyes dark and his fist tight.

"You just stay away from him okay. Alpha will see how to deal with him.", Taehyung promises. He was about to lie down on the bed when Jungkook stops him.

"I have to tell you one more thing. It isn't that serious but I can even mindlink to those people whose thoughts I can hear.", Jungkook informs making Taehyung smile.

"Is it? Then do one thing, mindlink Yujin and yell profanities and curses at him. Let him stay awake for the whole night.", Taehyung suggests earning a gasp from Jungkook.

"Alpha, you are being evil.",Jungkook smacks his alpha on his chest.

"Oh, I can be more evil and naughty in bed. Come let me show you.", With that being said, Taehyung pulls Jungkook along with him before hovering over his lithe figure.

Warning : Matured Content

Taehyung spreads the omega's legs settling in between his thick yet soft thighs. Taehyung traces the tip of  his fingers over the omega's calf earning a giggle from Jungkook.

"Alpha, it tickles", Jungkook giggles but soon moans when his alpha gets hold of his foot pressing open mouth kisses over his toes. Jungkook's toe curls with pleasure when it was engulfed by the alpha's mouth. Taehyung sucks the toe as if sucking a lollipop, tasting the omega's skin 

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