Chapter 12

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When Jungkook woke up in the morning, he was feeling giddy remembering last night's conversation with his alpha.

The way he caught the alpha red handed, the pictures they both shared of one another. It felt like a bliss.

The first thing he did after waking up was to check his phone in the hope that his alpha might have send him a message atleast a short good morning wouldn't have harmed the alpha.

But no, his alpha hadn't sent him any message causing the omega to pout.
Jungkook shrugged it off thinking his alpha might be busy.

And how right he was, Taehyung was indeed busy. He had woke up early because he had an early morning meeting. He being a punctual person, forgot to send a text to his omega because he wanted to reach the meeting venue on time.

Later in the afternoon, when the alpha was done with his meeting he opened his phone going through texts and emails. He was again in dilemma on how to start a new conversation with his omega.

Yesturday he was lucky that he got caught or else he wouldn't have texted Jungkook. Now staring at the screen the alpha decides to send a good afternoon followed by an apology for texting him so late.

The alpha also explained how he was stuck in the meeting since morning and couldn't get hold of his phone.

Taehyung was very nervous thinking about his omega's possible response. He kept staring at the screen which showed that his omega was last seen online today morning.

An hour had passed by but there was no reply from the omega. Taehyung's patience was running low. He waited for more half hour but still no reply.
The thought of something bad happening to his omega running through his mind.

The alpha thought before pressing the phone icon bringing the mobile near his ears listening to it ringing. After four rings the omega finally picked up the call.

Jungkook was just done with his studies. He was walking out of the library when his phone vibrated indicating that it was ringing. When he looked upon the screen his breath caught up, eyes becoming wide seeing his alpha's picture appearing on the screen.

Jungkook hurriedly picked up the call before it gets cut mumbling a small 'hello alpha'.

Taehyung felt his ears blessed listening to his omega's voice. Even his omega's simple hello was a. blessing to his ears.

"Hi, how are you? You aren't home? I had messaged you about an hour and a half ago but you didn't reply. ", the alpha asked frantically.

"First of all take a deep breath alpha and I am not home. I was in the library since morning. I am returning back home now. I didn't reply you because phones are not allowed in the library alpha.", the omega explained.

"Oh okay. I thought something happened to you that is the reason why I called you.", the alpha reasoned.

"Were you scared that something bad will happen to your omega, alpha? So cute. But you don't need to worry alpha. I very well know how to punch and kick.", the omega teases with a small smipe on his face.

"Of course how can I forget that. Are you going home alone?"

"No alpha. Dad has sent me a car."

"Umm Jungkook are you free today evening? I was thinking we could go to the fair organised by Yellow moon pack.", the alpha asks biting his lower lips.

Now this was not something Jungkook expected. His alpha sometimes shocks him with his actions.

Jungkook and Jimin had decided to go to that fair but now that his alpha was asking him to go, Jungkook was surely going to ditch Jimin.

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