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"Mumma, I want strawberries. ", Taeguk comes running towards Jungkook who is sitting on their living room sofa.

" But baby, you just had your serve of strawberries. The remaining strawberries are for your appa. ", Jungkook says as he pulls Taeguk on his laps.

" But appa won't mind if I eat his strawberries. ", Taegul whines as he looks at Jungkook with his beautiful puppy eyes.

Although when he was born he had eyes like Taehyung, as he grew up his eyes turned into doe one's just like Jungkook's. And as Taehyung heart is weak for Jungkook's doe eyes, his heart melts when his son shows him this puppy look.

Taeguk is well aware of the fact that none of his family members can resist his puppy eyes. And this little brat takes advantage of this all the time.

" No baby. I am not allowing you to eat more strawberries. Your puppy eyes aren't going to work on me this time. Nope. Not at all. ", Jungkook shakes his head making Taeguk pout.

Here comes another trick of his. He is also well aware of the fact that his appa is gone for his adorable pout. Well, Taehyung is completely whipped for both Jungkook and Taeguk.

" Mumma, I'll tell appa that you stood on the stool even though appa had denied you from doing it. ", there's a smirk lacing on his face as he let out these words out of his mouth.

" Yaahh.... You brat. Stop blackmailing me or else I'll tell your appa how you punched a boy in your school. ", Jungkook playfully glares at his son who has his face dimmed as if he is feeling sad. Such a drama queen he is.

" Sorry, mumma. ", Taeguk holds both his ears.
" It's okay, pup. You can eat strawberries tomorrow morning at breakfast okay. ", Jungkook says before carefully getting up from where he was sitting.

He enters the bedroom he shares with his alpha while holding Taeguk's small hand. Although, Taeguk was a  five year old, he spends most of his time in his parents bedroom than his own room.

He even sleeps most of the days in his parents room exclusive of days when Taehyung forces him to sleep in his own room because firstly, Taeguk should get used to it and secondly, because he should get some private time with his omega.

It was seven in the evening, when Taehyung comes home from office. Both Jungkook and Taeguk were in their bedroom with the omega teaching some drawing to their son when Taehyung entered the room.

"Appa", Taeguk jumps off the bed, making his way towards his appa who has his arms wide open.

" My baby", Taeguk is soon lifted in his appa's arms with Taehyung swirling him in air. Only the giggles of both Taehyung and Taeguk were resonating in the whole house.

Taehyung places Taeguk on the ground when his eyes fall on his omega who was already staring at him with a bright smile on his face.

The alpha makes his way towards the omega, placing a kiss on Jungkook's forehead (He wants to kiss him on his lips but he can't because of Taeguk. They can't ruin the poor child's innocence).

"Was office tiring?? ", Jungkook questions when Taehyung puts his head on his laps as he pushes his face in the Omega's stomach.

" No, just missed the two of you and this little bean right here. ", Taehyung unbottons the last two buttons of the Omega's shirt revealing the five months old belly. He nuzzles his nose over the belly, feeling the presence of their unborn child.

" We missed you too, alpha. ", Jungkook confesses as he threads his fingers through the alpha's hair making the other sigh.

" I love you all", Taehyung confesses as he moves his eyes from the belly to his Omega's face.

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