Chapter 32

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Taehyung takes the car keys from the key holder before calling out Jungkook's name.

"Yes alpha?", Jungkook asks  coming to stand in front of his alpha.

"Come let's teach you to drive. I had promised you remember?", Taehyung nuzzles his nose in the crook of the omega's neck.

"Really?? Wait let me change my clothes than we can go.", Jungkook runs inside the closet room quickly changing in a black t-shirt and track pants.

"Come alpha. Lets go.", Jungkook drags Taehyung towards their garage where the car was parked. He waits till the alpha brings the car outside the garage before stopping in front of the empty road. 

"Come seat inside the car. I will first teach you what these buttons and other parts are called and how and why they are used.", Taehyung says.

As Jungkook settles on the passenger seat, Taehyung turns his body towards the omega.

He carefully explains about the break, accelerator and other parts. Jungkook listens to all the points the alpha says even noting a few of them. The omega was surely determined on learning how to drive.

"Now come sit on the driver's seat.", Taehyung gets down from the car taking the passenger seat which was previously occupied by Jungkook. 

"Put the key and twist it to start the engine.", Jungkook follows each and every instruction given by Taehyung not wanting to put his and Taehyung's life in danger by pressing the wrong button.

 "That's it for today. We will learn the rest tomorrow." Both the mates were about to go inside their house when Taehyung's phone rings.

"How come you call me and that too at such a odd time?", Taehyung grits out that makes Jungkook stop in his steps turning around to look at his alpha whose face had turned red with anger.

"Chill Tae. No need to get so aggressive. I will explain you everything when we meet tomorrow for breakfast at your house.", Yujin utters waiting for Taehyung's reply.

"Don't you have that much sense that one should not come to someone's house if not invited?" Jungkook holds Taehyung's hand lacing his small fingers with his alpha's long ones trying his best to calm the alpha down.

"It is not applicable for your own family alpha. Bye , Good night. See you tomorrow.", With that Yujin cuts the call making Taehyung frown.

'Why is he coming to meet us? That too so suddenly after so many years.' , Taehyung thinks. Lot of questions swirling in his head.

Taehyung's train of thoughts break when Jungkook pokes his fingers into his cheeks.

"You seem lost alpha. Is anything you are concerned about? ", Jungkook asks a small crease appearing on his forehead.

"How come you recognise even the slightest change in my behaviour or facial expression? ", Taehyung asks curious to now how his omega is always right about his behavioural changes.

"We are soulmates alpha. Of course I'll know about each and every change in your behaviour.", Jungkook says a sweet smile appearing on his face.

"You are the cutest person I have ever met. Do you know that? ", Taehyung exclaims before picking the omega in his arms.

"Yes I do and I also know that you are trying to change the conversation topic now. But it's okay. Tell me whenever you feel comfortable with.", Jungkook nuzzles his face in the crook of the alpha's neck, his arms resting around his alpha's shoulder.

"You'll  get to know it tomorrow.",Taehyung utters before entering their bedroom placing the omega on the bed.

Warning : Mature content🔞

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