Chapter 11

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Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about what his appa had told him.
The one thing he was sure and agreed with his appa was that love can happen after marriage too and it is not necessary for someone to know the other person to fall in love.

That is why the concept of love at first sight is a thing. Atleast Taehyung knows who Jungkook is, his family, his current life.

As of what he have come to know about Jungkook, his omega is like a open book. A sneak peak and you will know it all.

Whenever he thinks about Jungkook- his smile, twinkling eyes, smooth hair, pale skin, the scar on his cheek, the mole below his lower lip, he finds himself lucky to have such a pretty omega as his mate.

Not that Taehyung had preferences. He would have loved his omega even if he or she would have disabilities.

Even Jungkook's each smile has a different meaning. His giggly smile when he is happy, his shipish smile when he is embarrassed, his bunny smile when he finds something funny.

Even though they have spent a very less time with one another, Taehyung was always a little extra observant towards his omega.

He wants to become the reason behind this smile, every second, minute, hour and day. He wants his omega all to himself, the thought of them staying away from one another makes him sad.

As his appa said, if he will show his love to Jungkook, his love will be reflected. Taehyung wants that and he is more than willing to fall in love with his omega.

Taehyung gets up from his office chair walking towards the elevator. When the elevator door open at its destination, Taehyung walked out of it making a bee line towards Yoongi's cabin.

"Yoongi hyung can I come in? ", Taehyung asks knocking on the door.

Taehyung opens the door, closing it behind his back when he hears a small come in.

"Are you done with your work hyung?", Taehyung asked sitting on the chair opposite Yoongi.

"I am always free for you Tae. You are my little brother whom I love the most. You can talk to me about anything and everything.", Yoongi said smiling at Taehyung.

"Hyung, how to get to know someone? ", Taehyung asked.

"It depends on whom you are referring to. Is it Jungkook?", Yoongi asked leaning towards his desk.

Taehyung contemplates before mumbling a small yes.

"If you ask me tae, when it comes to our mate, it is very easy to get to know them. Talk to jungkook on phone, text him, take him on a date, spend more time with him.", Yoongi suggests.

"I don't have Jungkook's phone call.", Taehyung uttered, a frown forming on his forehead.

"I will ask Jimin. You need to buckle up brother. You are getting married soon.", Yoongi said a teasing smile plastered on his face.

"I can say the same to you too.", Taehyung said leaning against his chair.

"For someone who have been on two dates and a breathtaking kiss, I am way more ahead of you brother.", Yoongi exclaimed feeling proud about himself.

Now this information was not what Taehyung had expected especially from Yoongi. He hasn't even have a talk with jungkook after their little lake adventure.

"I will take my leave hyung. Have a nice day.", Taehyung says getting up from the chair.

"And please dont forget to ask Jimin about Jungkook's mobile number.", with that Taehung leaves not even bothering to look behind at his brother who has a small smile dancing on his lips.

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