Chapter 49

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Some part of the update has been edited. If you want you can read the first part if you have already read the chapter yesterday.

Taehyung was sitting on the centre chair of the conference room carefully listening to the presentation that was currently going on. He observes how the stocks of his company are going high day by day after the launch of their new product.

There was only one person talking while everyone else were silently listening to the presenter. A loud ringtone of Taehyung's phone breaks their trance. Taehyung being a very strict boss has a no phone policy in his office.

But since his omega is pregnant, that policy doesn't really apply to him. Jungkook calls him more than ten times a day. Not that the alpha is complaining. He loves to listen to the omega complaining about how their baby isn't allowing him to sleep properly and ends up blaming the alpha for having such a notorious baby as if the child inherited all the alpha's traits.

The alpha picks up the call with smile on his face which is a rare sight.
The new intern who was giving the presentation has his mouth wide open looking at his boss smiling.

"Hello, love.", as soon as Taehyung's let's this words out of his mouth, he is greeted with a sob coming from the other side.

" Love, are you okay? ", Taehyung is already on his feets as he makes his way out of the conference room with a frown on his face.

Jungkook doesn't utter a word rather keeps crying over the call making Taehyung think of all the possibilities that would make the omega cry.

"Love, stop crying pup. Tell alpha if something is hurting you.", Taehyung tries his best to coax his omega but all in vain.

The omega keeps sobing and wailing making Taehyung's heart pound in his chest. Taehyung was about to say something to assure the omega but suddenly the omega cuts his call.

The frown over Taehyung's face deepens. Was Jungkook feeling sick? Did he fall from the stairs ? Is his stomach hurting?

There are so many thoughts going on in his head. He is already in his car that was parked in the parking lot of his office. He may have broken over fifty traffic rules over his way back home.

Taehyung gets down from his car before asking the watchman to park his car in the garage as he makes his way towards their room. He was so tensed that it slipped his mind to call Jin and ask why his omega was crying.

As soon as he enters their bedroom, he finds the omega sitting on their bed still crying. Taehyung speeds up to the omega who throws himself on his alpha bringing him in a bone crashing hug.

Jungkook keeps crying, wetting the coat of the alpha with his tears. Taehyung frantically rubs his palm over the Omega's body to find some injuries but finds none. Lastly he palms the five months old baby bump of the omega as he caresses it softly.

Taehyung pulls out from the hug before cupping the Omega's cheeks before kissing the red button nose of the other.

"What happened love? Why is my pup crying? ", Taehyung asks as his wipes the tears off the Omega's face with his thumb.

" Alpha, I was thinking about some names with a depth full meaning to it but I couldn't find one. What will we name our baby then?.", Jungkook wails out loud.

"Firstly, calm down love. And secondly, we can ask our parents for help right? I mean, they may know a cute and unique name we could give our baby. ", Taehyung says as he hugs the omega closer to his chest.

" Why didn't I think about this alpha. Silly me. ", Jungkook's eyes twinkle with mirth as he playfully smacks his own forehead.

"Aren't you the cutest baby alive? I can't wait to see the mini version of you and me. Our baby will have your looks and my charms.", Taehyung places a kiss on the Omega's forehead.

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