Chapter 30

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Taehyung steps out of his car when the clock hits 1 indicating that it was time for Jungkook to come out of his university.

The younger had informed him earlier that his last lecture was going to end by 1 so as promised Taehyung was standing right in front of the university gates.

Taehyung's gaze were staring at the gates impatient to see his omega. It was the first time they were away from each other for so long since marriage. Taehyung too was going to start visiting his office from tomorrow so maybe he won't have time to miss his omega.

But today sitting alone in their bedroom he had missed Jungkook a lot. After marriage his days would begin with the omega blabbering and would end the same. 

Taehyung's lips curve upwards when he watches his omega walking out of the university gates with a pout on his lips. It seemed as if he was searching for something or someone. 

Jungkook's eyes roam around his surroundings unable to find his alpha. Jungkook pouts when he realized that his alpha hadn't come yet to pick him up.

Taehyung waves his hand when he watches Jungkook skimming his eyes around. Jungkook waves back when his eyes find his alpha with a wide smile plastered on his face.  Jungkook comes running towards Taehyung hugging him. 

He wraps his arms around the alpha's neck who wraps his arms around his waist tucking his chin over the omega's shoulder. Taehyungs pulls him closer sniffing the sweet scent of his omega.

"I missed you alpha.", Jungkook murmurs burring his face into his alpha's neck. 

"I missed too, love. Alpha was feelingly lonely with out your presence.", Taehyung whines making Jungkook smile. "Aww my alpha missed me. I'll not leave you now.", Jungkook pulls out from the hug placing the kiss on the alpha's forehead.

"How was your day love?", Taehyung asks opening the passenger door for Jungkook. Jungkook's sits inside the car watching his alpha taking a sit on the driver's seat.

"It was good alpha. Yoohan  gave me the tour of the entire university. He is so funny alpha. I laughed my heart out. You know, he almost tripped from the steps. By god's grace I was there to hold him or else he would have been injured.", Jungkook explains it with so much determination and excitement that Taehyung brows draw together.

He doesn't like the thought of his omega holding someone else. Although not willingly but still.

 "You should have let him fall. It would have taught him the lesson to be careful next time.", Taehyung says nonchalantly making the omega's eyes go wide. 

"Alpha you sound rude.", Jungkook says making Taehyung shrug. "I was telling the truth.", Taehyung exclaims earning a glare from the omega.

Taehyung was about to start the car's engine when a call of Jungkook's name gains the mates attention.

A smile appears on Jungkook's face when he sees his new friend, Yoohan running towards their car.

"Hey Jungkook, I forgot to give you your identity card. Mr. Lu had given me this to hand it over to you but I forgot.", Yoohan pants trying to regain his breathing.

"Oh thank you Yoohan. You have already done so much for me and now this.", Jungkook says smiling at Yoohan.

"Oh Yoohan, you have already met my alpha today morning. He has come to pick me up. Do you want a ride back home? ", Jungkook asks.

Yoohan's eyes go big after realizing the presence of Taehyung on the driver's seat. He wasn't aware of Taehyung earlier but now that he is, his first instinct is to run.

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