Chapter 27

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Jungkook squirms in his sleep, the bright lights blinding his eyes. He snuggles closer to the body pressed against him.

Jungkook slowly open his eyes when he was no longer able to fight with the sun. A smile appears on his face when his alpha unconsciously pulls him towards his own chest, wraping his arms around him.

The omega stares at the alpha, his age old habit of staring at his alpha's beautiful face early in the morning.

Jungkook's staring contest breaks when a loud ring of his phone was heard. He quickly picks up the call mentally scolding the person at the receivers end.

"Wake up love birds. We need to go sight seeing too.", the very annoying voice of Jimin was heard from the other end.

"Yes we are coming.", Jungkook whispers not wanting to wake his alpha up from his beauty sleep.

Jungkook cuts the call before turning towards his alpha. Jungkook caress the alpha's cheeks trying to wake him up.

"Wake up alpha. It's already morning.", the omega's voice so low as if talking to a baby.

Jungkook chuckles when Taehyung pulls him more closer to himself, snuggling to his chest.

Jungkook doesn't know how their positions switched. He was the one lying on his alpha's chest at night but now he smiles in endearment when he watches his alpha seek warmth from his chest.

He bites down his lips not able to control his hormones. He was not used to anyone touching his chest let alone snuggling with it.

He threads his fingers through the alpha's hair massaging his scalp, softly asking him to wake up.

He knows by now his alpha was fully awake but was not ready to leave the bed.

"Alpha, we don't want Jimin and Yoongi hyung to tease us right?", The omega tries to reason but all in vain.

It doesn't take long for Taehyung to put his entire body weight on Jungkook.

"Alpha, you aren't as light weighted as a feather.", Jungkook chuckles unable to handle his alpha's weight.

Taehyung's eyes snap open at that. He quickly detaches himself from the omega giving him a sheepish smile.

"So I was right. You were acting to be asleep since last one hour.", the omega teases but quickly shuts his eyes when Taehyung places a kiss on his neck just above his scent gland.

Taehyung trails kisses from his neck to his collar bone and finally ending on his cleavage.

Sinful moans leave the omega's mouth when his alpha cups his right breast, kneeding it to his heart's content.

"So soft... ", Taehyung groans nuzzling his nose over the clothed breast. Jungkook shudders not able to handle Taehyung's touch over his sensitive skin.

Taehyung opens his mouth, placing a open mouth kiss on the clothed breast just above the nipple.

"Alpha... ", Jungkook moans digging his fingers on the alpha's shoulder unknowingly encouraging the alpha to do more. To pleasure some more.

Taehyung sniffs the milky chest, his mind dizzy smelling the vanilla scent of his omega.

Taehyung was about to unbutton the omega's shirt when the ring of the phone is heard again. Taehyung groans at that making Jungkook giggle.

"Control your horny wolf Tae. My mate is going crazy over wanting to sight seeing with your mate.", Taehyung hears Yoongi whine from the other side of the call.

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