Chapter 21

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Jungkook was waiting for his best friend Jimin who was about to arrive.

Taehyung watches his omega continuously eying the door. He then shifts his eyes on Yoongi who too was glancing at the door with eager eyes.

The alpha got startled when his omega suddenly jumps from the chair running towards the door engulfing Jimin into a tight hug.

"Kook to the Jung to the Jeon"
"Min to the Ji to the Park"

Taehyung watches both the best friends doing some weird actions with their hand along with yelling some kind of slogan.

"For your information, I am no longer a Jeon. I am Kim Jungkook now.",Jungkook informs with a proud smile

"Oh please forgive me Mrs. Kim Jungkook.", Jimin dramatically bows.

"What took you so long Jiminie?", Jungkook whined.

"I woke up late.",Jimin gives him a sheepish smile.

"Hello Taehyung hyung.", Jimin bows at Taehyung who comes to stand beside Jungkook completely ignoring Yoongi who had a shocked look on his face.

"Won't you wish your alpha Jiminie? Are you feeling shy?", Jungkook fake gasps but giggles when a chuckle leaves Taehyung's mouth.

"Jungkook I think we should give them some privacy.", Taehyung says before dragging Jungkook along with him.

Yoongi quickly grabs Jimin's wrist before bringing him closer to his chest.

"Why are you ignoring me?", Yoongi asks nuzzling into Jimin's hair.

"You were the one who is ignoring me since yesterday.", the omega stomps his feet jerking himself to get freed from Yoongi's grip.

"I was busy."
"You are always busy.", Jimin stomps on Yoongi's left foot before running away to meet other family members.

Everyone was seated on the dinner table chatting with one another.

All the couples were sitting beside each other while the maids were serving the food.

"Jungkookie when are you going to resume your studies?", Mrs min asks.

"I will sta.. "
Jungkook stops mid sentence when Taehyung starts coughing with teary eyes. The omega quickly takes a glass of water holding it towards Taehyung's lips who drinks it slowly taking huge gulps.

"Alpha are you okay?", Jungkook asks with his own tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Hey, why are you crying. I am okay. Alpha is fine.", Taehyung says cupping the omega's cheeks wiping his tears.

"But what happened to you alpha? You couldn't even breath.", Jungkook tears up even more.

"It's okay pup. The food was too spicy for me. I couldn't handle the spice.", Taehyung says not even realising what he just called Jungkook

"I will cook less spicy food for you.", Jungkook gets up from his chair ready to go to the kitchen.

"The cook will make him some other less spicy dish Jungkookie. You eat your dinner first.", Jin tries to convince the omega but Jungkook denies walking inside the kitchen.

"He won't listen uncle. I know my best friend very well. He won't take the health of his loved one's lightly.", Jimin says with a knowing smile.

Namjoon smiles looking at Jin giving him a assuring nod.

Taehyung just keeps looking at the omega who was busy cooking inside the open kitchen. He didn't know anyone could care for him other than his family.

He was sad that he made Jungkook cry but one thing that made his heart flutter and was sure of is that Jungkook will always stay by his side like a strong pillar.

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