Chapter 19

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Jungkook stirs in his sleep, squinting his eyes, brows frowning disliking the bright light of the sun coming from the balcony.

The omega slowly open his eyes, a small smile appearing on his face on witnessing his alpha sleeping beside him. He feels weight on his cheeks and suddenly it dawns to him that his alpha's palm was on his cheeks.

The omega's cheeks flush red and the curve of his lips grow wide. He stays still, wanting to enjoy the warmth of his alpha's palm for some more time.

Taehyung stirs in his sleep. The omega's eyes go wide before he closes them pretending to be asleep.

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes only to see his  his omega's sleepy face first thing in the morning.

He smiles when he realises that his palm was still on his omega's cheek. He slowly and carefully caresses his omega's cheek not wanting to wake the other.

He observes how the omega's cheeks flush more red as he keeps caressing his cheeks.

Only Jungkook knows how he was controlling himself from smiling. He was feeling happy but was a little shy to open his eyes.

"So beautiful"

He hears the alpha say which makes him more shy with his heart beats increasing. The tip of his ears turn red.

The alpha still keeps caressing his omega's cheeks not having the heart to stop himself from doing it.

Jungkook unable to handle it anymore stirs in his sleep now lieing on his back.

Taehyung quickly retreats his hand from the omega's cheeks as he watches the omega slowly open his eyes.

"Good morning", the alpha wishes staring at his omega.

"Good morning alpha.", the omega says tilting his head towards the alpha with a sweet smile dancing on his lips.

God, how much does the alpha endears the omega's sweet, melodious voice. He wishes to hear this voice for his entire life.

"Did you sleep well alpha? ", the omega asks.

"Yes. It used to take a lot of effort for me to fall asleep before but now a days I sleep peacefully. Did you sleep well too? "

"Yes alpha", the omega replies blushing hearing his alpha's words. He was glad that his alpha could sleep peacefully now that to because of him.

Taehyung gets up to get ready for work. The omega quickly brushes his teeth before running towards the kitchen to make breakfast for his alpha.

"Appa had once said that alpha loves pancakes so may be I should cook it for him.", the omega mumbles to himself.

"Jess can you please pass me the refined flower?", the omega requests the helper who was quick to hand it to the omega.

Omega pours a generous amount of batter on the hot pan before flipping the pancake until its golden brown.

"Jungkookie what are you doing here early in the morning baby? ", Jin asks the omega.

"Appa, I am making pancakes for alpha.", the omega says before nicely plating the pancakes into a stack, honey dripping from its sides.

Jin smiles watching the omega gently placing small pieces of strawberries on it.

"Taehyung is surely going to enjoy his breakfast", Jin says before walking back up to his room to wake namjoon.

Jungkook walks inside his room to see whether his alpha is ready or not and to his surprise the alpha was fixing his tie with a frown on his face.

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