Bonus Chapter

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Past - When Jungkook was Seven months pregnant.

Jungkook keeps staring at his phone, a pout clearly visible on his face as he contemplates whether to call his alpha or not.

Taehyung has been busy lately with his upcoming project and the pack matters are just add-ons to the alpha's stress.

Jungkook knows that even though his alpha is busy with his work, he still doesn't forget to spend time with his mate especially now that Jungkook is going through a rough patch with his mood swings all over the place.

The omega sighs before getting hold of his phone before clicking on the power button, the screen lighting up with his alpha's picture on display.

A smile appears on his face as his doe eyes keep staring at the handsome face, his sharp features staring right back at the omega

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A smile appears on his face as his doe eyes keep staring at the handsome face, his sharp features staring right back at the omega.

The omega bites on his plump lips making them all red when a sharp pain shoots in his body. He looks down only to find his shirt all wet near his chest causing two huge patches to form right above his breasts.

Jungkook whimpers at the newly arrived pain that has been keeping him at bay since this morning. He was all fine until his alpha left for work and suddenly he observed a painful sensation shooting in his breast.

He knows what it is. He has read it in some pregnancy books that the person giving birth lactates irrespective of their gender.

Just to confirm his doubts and not to come to any sort of conclusion, he even consulted his doctor over a phone call. He was a little nervous to voice out his inner turmoil but Dr. Shein was grateful enough to understand him.

He remembers how embarrassed he felt when the doctor suggested him to take help from his alpha in reducing the pain. Jungkook ain't a child to not understand what the doctor was implying to.

He was glad that he was not talking face to face to the doctor. That would have been so embarrassing.

Now staring at his mobile screen, the omega contemplates whether to call his alpha or not. With a pout resting beautifully on his face, the omega chooses to go with his heart.

He opens his contacts before scrolling to Taehyung's name which was prettily saved as "My Alpha ♡".

He clicks on the phone icon, bringing the phone near his tinted ears. The omega nibbles his lower lips which were already swollen and red as he waits for the alpha to pick up his call.

Not even the second ring is heard when the deep velvety voice of the alpha's hit the ear drums of the Omega's ears forming a sinful melody.

" Jungkook-ah, are you okay?", Taehyung asks with a frown resting on his face as he dismisses the alpha sitting in front of him.

"Alpha, when are coming back home? Can you come early today, please? ", Jungkook asks, his voice nearly a whisper.

" I will be back in the evening, love. What happened? Are you hurting somewhere? Do you want to eat something unusual? Tell me whatever you are craving for, sweetheart.", Taehyung utters making the omega gulp down his saliva through his dried up throat.

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